Mr inbetween is the best show no one has heard of. I’ve watched the whole series multiple times now. I’m sad it was so short. Personally, I think it is better than other popular/critically acclaimed shows like breaking bad.
It’s so weird that YouTube is their second most profitable venture after adsense. It’s like they thought, we have a virtual monopoly on internet ads, Internet video, and web browsers. Let’s combine their power to make people watch non stop ads while tracking them worse than the CIA. Then, let’s be very surprised when people don’t like us and we get hit with antitrust lawsuits. Fuck Google.
But, you don’t understand the toilet. The toilet cannot be monetized if we cannot see you taking a poo. Changing the glass doors will completely kill a trillion dollar industry.
Reagan was a criminal too… I think they made an NES game about it.
He can’t just change his name to something kids love, just to love kids. Can he?