When authoritarian governments have complete power they don’t really checks and balances to the system, or juries. Take Putin - Navalny for example. You would know this if you aren’t a Holocaust denier.
When authoritarian governments have complete power they don’t really checks and balances to the system, or juries. Take Putin - Navalny for example. You would know this if you aren’t a Holocaust denier.
As for the USA, let me put it this way: If Trump gets elected, with the tech tools the govt has, we will see, at the very best, another Hong Kong, with anyone that disfavors the Repubs disappearing, some permanently. At the worst, we will see another Nazi Germany. He himself proposed executing people.
If you practice privacy and can teach others, your skills will be valuable to the underground resistance.
It’s not about fucking left and right – It’s a class war. Did you ever hear about the French, or maybe even American, Revolution? Dethrone the King, aka the ruling class.