my concern is what if after all the hassle the next bank pulls the same act ? and the next one !
my concern is what if after all the hassle the next bank pulls the same act ? and the next one !
they have moved most of the features to the app, the web portal is very bare bone.
very hard to change the bank when alot of payment accounts are linked to it.
they have moved most of the features to the app the web portal is very barebone.
I did, doesn’t change a thing, I have no power to influence what they add into their app
You are telling me you can’t live without going to a Taylor Swift concert. Capitalism is the origin of many pains, but this one isn’t one of them.
Those billionaires are being propped by stupid people buying exorbitant ticket prices to see their idols dancing from a mile a way. I blame the populace for this. you can make them irrelevant without even spending a penny.
It is already law in the UK, they are just waiting for the right moment to activate it.
Maybe this move by the EU will embolden other countries to follow suite. the best thing to do is to move to a corner of the internet they can’t control. like Tor , I2P and similar projects
Content creators won’t follow because there isn’t any monetary incentive to do so. I have been regularly checking out Peertube for 4 years now and it is mostly a backup option for those that one day YouTube might delete their channel.
Friends don’t let friends use Google and meta. show those you care about what you have discovered. don’t lecture them just make them aware, share your findings.
they are the most exceptionalist ellististe agreable and push-over nation in the whole earth. don’t forget they are still a proud monarchy.