1 month ago@Wolfie Completely seconding the Revolut suggestion here. For privacy protection, works perfectly!
Poeta (o eso intento). Escribo para expresarme, no para conseguir followers. Los textos son CC-By-Sa 4.0 salvo que se indique lo contrario. Últimamente, también posteo trenes 🚄
A poetry account in Spanish, and, ocassionally, English. Trains might stop on Track A 🚄
@Wolfie Completely seconding the Revolut suggestion here. For privacy protection, works perfectly!
@ReversalHatchery I want to respectfully say that I find your answer a bit agressive in tone. I was just trying to give my best shot at an answer, even if I am not a privacy expert, as OP was really just asking for a way to conceal his Credit Card Number, or that’s what I understood.
I agree that total privacy will not be accomplished without using a custom rom and more private applications, but I feel like, for the average user, that might be too much work