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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • It took me looking at unfamiliar programming languages and realizing that I could read most of them without really knowing them for me to realize I probably could learn to at least read another language.

    It’s been years since then and I’m still probably shit at Spanish, but just like programming languages regular languages were made by humans to communicate with other humans, you’re capable of understanding any of them given a reasonable amount of time and guidance.

  • you want a billionaire owned multimedia ad revenue agency (aka the “news”) to stop hyping the billionaire backed chaos cheeze monkey and the stupid shit it says?

    This is exactly why instead of expecting the media to evolve or adapt I encourage people to walk away from corporate news.

    I’m not a zealot, so follow it if you like, just know that it has its own goals and one of them is to hook you on its crappy product and convince you that it is the sole arbiter of truth…when it’s really stuffing its billionaire-sponsored narratives down your throat.

    The reality is that if the news were in any way objective and about “the truth”, it would steadily maintain reality-based positions over time, but it doesn’t. It adapts based upon what its billionaire owners want and based upon the whims of the electorate – all the while pretending that it does nothing to influence the whims of the electorate when it very clearly does.

  • It provides an extremely theoretical motive for people to do the abuse, that is unlikely to materialize in reality.

    Yeah, this whole argument seems like a theoretical spurious hypothetical.

    The dude in the video is acting like this is completely legal too, when all of the abuse is already illegal and the authorities just cannot prevent it because of the scale and size of the Internet combined with their own ineptitude.

    If I’m in the business generally of blowing up and attacking company servers, why would I suddenly want to pivot to hosting monetized game servers? That’s an entirely different business. The whole thing strikes me as “OH NOES SOMEBODY MIGHT MAKE SOME MONEY OFF OF MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES!!!”.

    Centralized, proprietary servers for games other than subscription MMO games are complete and utter bullshit. Either make the game a subscription and keep all of it server-side, or allow people to host the servers and stop acting like assholes.

  • Good luck with that. A couple of weeks without hair appointments and the million Karen march started right up with the assistance of the monied interests that really run this place. The people in this country are more willing to sacrifice others than to undergo the inconvenience of changing their hair appointments.

    The people of this country claim to want positive change, but the change they really want is more lethal police, more tax cuts for the rich, more deportations, more punishment, more violence for those stepping out of line, and more jail slaves.

    America will never get any better without first even partially living up to its “melting pot” “community” and “brotherly love” rhetoric, and there’s not even a slim fucking chance of that ever happening in my opinion.

    We hate each other, we hate ourselves, and we accept politics that vibes well with the pervasive notions that the poor deserve their shitty lot in life, that people who don’t look, sound, eat, live, or pray like us are terrible, that women should be in the kitchen, that education is for nerds, and that rich people and famous people are inherently better than us.

    I’d post quotes of George Carlin explaining twenty years ago that we should stop voting for rich people that don’t give a shit about us, or Vonnegut saying how the poor hate themselves in this country in a book he wrote decades ago but the only nerds interested in such things have already seen, heard, or read them.