Some people just don’t want to store anything on their devices for whatever reason.
Some people just don’t want to store anything on their devices for whatever reason.
RealDebrid and AllDebrid
It doesn’t. It’s nothing like any of these two. They provide local media content, Odin on the other hand streams media directly provided by the debrid service.
So, no downloading and hoarding involved.
no local media collection.
Exactly. It gets the streaming links instantly from the debrid service.
It doesn’t download anything and also does not fetch any local media. It uses jackett to scrape sites like 1337x.to for magnets, sends these magnets to realdebrid/alldebrid and gets a streamable link back which you can watch instantly.
By arr-suite… I meant the automated setups that people do, to get stuff downloaded directly into the movies/shows folders, hoarding huge MKV files, etc… Sorry for the confusing wording.
I don’t use the arr-suite myself, but I think you’re on point. Since It doesn’t download anything, and gets the streams directly from RD or AD, there’s no need for overseer.
You .ight be careful though, because RD doesn’t allow using their service from multiple locations at the same time (whatever thsat means)
Jellyfin uses the *arr suite, but Odin relies on a debrid service. The benefit is that nothing is hoarded on the device itself.
I have it running on my server, and honestly… I almost love it more than kagi. Still evaluating both, to make a decision by the end of the year.
are they even actively developing it? repo seems abandoned
I would suggest not to rely on that. Give the DHCP a range, use manual IPs outside of that range
Haven’t done it myself, but his might help you for further research
network interfaces
making cats vegan
For a second (or maybe longer, until I read the wlhole thing) I thought they wanted to consider eating cats as being vegan.
woow, you’re gorgeous… I DMd you