100k seems ubiquitous, but I guess they use 1M for state numbers. 10M truly is silly. My only guess is that most other states are around <10/10M and they wanted something to compare that even a politician could understand.
100k seems ubiquitous, but I guess they use 1M for state numbers. 10M truly is silly. My only guess is that most other states are around <10/10M and they wanted something to compare that even a politician could understand.
VMware’s predatory practices make wary of their products. I’m avoiding it for all new installs.
Take a look at trusted computing. The issue is someone modifying your software to collect more data than you intend, right? Make it so stock versions can’t talk to modified versions. This involves a fair bit of cryptography that goes way above my head. But for a technical solution, that’s where I’d start to look at.
For the time being, offer it exclusively as SaaS, while you figure out a game plan to solve this conundrum.
Well, it’s not supposed to do that, no. But I want to reassure the public that fo’c’sles are safe.
Does LibreOffice have an online version?
Dude. I don’t care about what you think.
Make me.
That’s just some idiot dogpiling into Mozilla. The privacy concerns are very real though.
It got so bad that couldn’t access YouTube on their official app in my company phone without logging in.
They’re small but damn, are they T H I C C!
It’s been hit and miss for me. It feels like there’s some cached queries that it presents the AI results for without user interaction. But it’s very clearly marked.
Sure looks like it.
The 8a’s are literally $200 cheaper than the 8 and $300 cheaper than 9. The CPU and memory are the same, the screen is the same with a different glass. The cameras are better. It’s ok if it’s not the phone for you, but saying it’s clearly inferior is patently false.
This is worrying but… how does this woman keep getting distractingly more beautiful with age?
It’s ergonomics, yes. I like to use the phone one handed. With a big screen you have to adjust (scoot up and down) all the time, leading to falls (of the phone) and fatigue on the hand.
I’m concerned the pop socket would make it harder to stick my phone in my jeans. I know it’s retractable, maybe I could give it a go if I didn’t find a small phone.
Yes, that’s exactly what we’re arguing here. The developer also should replace autotools/cmake, git, … Don’t be daft! Packaging sane defaults for logrotate is now replacing a system function?
TBH it sounds just like talking underwater. Maybe they’re expert sound mimics and that’s just how they hear us.
You’re 92 and your kids are 10 and 8? Damn, and I thought I started late.
Keep it in your pants, perv.