The Shite Stripes just about killed me
Was their debut album skid mark?
The Shite Stripes just about killed me
Was their debut album skid mark?
That is because it is not bread. It is simply a bread-like edible substance.
Next minute, the lion grabs his arm, tears it from the shoulder and proceeds to crush his skull in its jaws.
The lion lies down after its light snack.
I guess that you would spend most of your time in a “default” look. Other times you would play a role to meet a specific end.
Intellect, immortal, shape shifter.
Shape shifter makes the attractive male/female redundant.
Intellect will get you gadgets/implants/power suit. After a bit of work which you have infinite time to do.
Onion mail
It has gotten worse since trump showed that the truth is optional for politics.
But yes, still better.
Looking from the outside, what the US has lacked is the “strong regulation” part.
In my opinion the US is way too far on the capitalist side of the slider, you are not at “pure capitalism” yet. But sometimes it doesn’t seem like you have far to go.
Private prisons are just a ridiculous, over reach of profit making into what is at its core a social problem that requires social solutions.
The communism / capitalism debate is an interesting one. Each system has its advantages, and I am a strong believer in a strong compromise between the two extremes.
I don’t think that workplaces should be collectivized as a default. I also think that strong regulation and “big” government is a positive thing. The government should set the rules, for the benefit of all, but the game should be open to all players.
I am also a very strong believer that there are some activities that are far too important to leave up to the market.
For everything else, let the market decide. Collective ownership of cafes and hardware stores isn’t really something that needs to happen. But I would also be happy if a collectively owned cafe opened up nearby, I would give them the same weight as all other cafes (how good is your coffee).
Agreed, if you have a billion in cash sitting around, then do something with it.
But in this specific example, and really any example where someone gains their wealth from “doing stuff”. It is not liquid, sitting around in cash to hand out. It is usually in stock of the company they found.
While they are “young” and energetic making the world a better place, then keep on doing what you are doing. Once you “retire” from that then it is the time to donate.
There are different ways to accumulate wealth.
In an example from my country, Sir Peter Beck, is only a billionaire because the stock value of RocketLab has rocketed up (pun intended). His total compensation for the 2023 year was just under $1M. Source
I would rather that he concentrate his efforts to making the best rocket possible; he could in theory split his time and work to reduce poverty…but I believe that the rocket building would suffer.
There are a lot of other people working to reduce poverty.
I agree with your point that in general, most billionaires are shitty people who could do a lot more. But some people are billionaires because they are doing cool shit.
Will Sir Peter become a cunt in the future, who knows. In 10 years will we look back and see the decline to Musk levels of cuntishness?
That is honestly insane.
In NZ the sticker price is what you pay, if the price on the sticker doesn’t include tax, it is false advertising and you pay what is on the sticker.
It is entirely up to the retailer to ensure that the price is correct. The only exception to this, is if the price is obviously wrong e.g. $5.00 rather than $500.
Random ass-memory; donkey walks past and remembers something random.
Another take:
The happy rider, is a conspiracy theory enjoyer. Happy in the “knowledge” that someone (anyone) is at the controls of the world, it gives comfort in a perverse way. Even though they know that the “controllers” are doing bad things.
The sad rider, is a realist. Can see that they are stuck on a trolley that is currently plowing through people, their personal actions mean nothing in the aggregate of all other actions in the world. They saw that the person at the leaver chose to keep themselves pure, rather than reduce the suffering in the world and taint themselves in the process.
The problem is not “Syncthing users” it is the others that we bring along with us.
I already have F-Droid on my phone, but the dozen others that I have promoted Syncthing to over the years do not. This is going to cause a bunch of problems.
This is much more important than what you portray here.
If cosmic inflation is correct, probably not. Inflation is our best theory of the beginning of the universe.
According to inflation, spacetime expanded exponentially from an infinitesimal point to many billions of light-years across. As far as we can tell, the universe is expanding again but at a much slower rate, due to dark energy.
Spacetime survived the inflationary period, so it looks like it doesn’t have a “tear” mechanism.
Another way to think of it, is to assume once torn, what is it tearing “into”. If you rip a bit of fabric, you look through to the other side, nothing special. If you tear our 4-dimentional spacetime, what are you looking at when you look “through” the ripped portion? This implies that out 4D spacetime is somehow existing in a higher dimensional reality.
Source and sink (source and drain) are commonly used to describe the movement of fluids / electricity.
Malice in Chains
Queefs of the Stone Age
Now Doubt
Red Hot Chilli Preppers