It sounds like you’re describing every libertarian I’ve ever met
Lemmy shouldn’t have avatars, banners, or bios
It sounds like you’re describing every libertarian I’ve ever met
Yes, my experience with websites over the past few decades.
NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” What do you think it means? It’s pretty straightforward in its meaning.
It isn’t censorship if you can just turn it off and see everything. It’s a warning for people who want to browse at work but not view content that can get them in trouble
Just turn it off and ignore it if it doesn’t apply to you. The rest of us want the tag to be used for its purpose.
Which you can easily turn off if you don’t browse Lemmy at work.
Just because you don’t use the tag for its intended purpose doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t. The tag has a clear purpose, denoted by what it stands for. Most people with adult jobs understand its purpose. Don’t ruin the tag’s purpose for the rest of us by devaluing it
An NSFW tag isn’t censorship, it’s a warning for people at WORK. if you don’t use it for what it’s for, that’s not working people problems, that’s your fault.
If downvoting for disagreement isn’t okay, then why is it okay to upvote for agreement? (And why did you downvote me, if you think that’s a bad thing?)
Voting is so users can express their opinion of what does or doesn’t belong in the feed. People who can’t handle mild criticism or disagreement shouldn’t be posting things in public spaces
Personally, I agree with the vegan philosophy of reducing factory farming of meat. What I think is bad for society is villainizing anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with the most extreme viewpoints. Which is explicitly the sort of posts I downvote
And also why I’m no longer allowed to downvote toxic vegan posts in Lemmy.ca
Disagreement isn’t an invalid case for voting, despite what Reddit had people believing before.
The voting system is to let people know how many people thought this content was good or not good for the feed. If you shouldn’t downvote for disagreement, then you shouldn’t upvote for agreement either
But nobody has any problem with that
Voting on content in the feed is helping to curate it for others. If a community gets more down votes than up votes, maybe the community is the one at odds with people
Voting on content that is in the Lemmy feed is engaging in good faith. That’s what the voting system is for.
What is not good faith is suppressing anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with what your community is for
The tag is for warning people browsing at work not to click… Using it to prevent someone from clicking on a post that would be unacceptable to read at the workplace is exactly what it’s for
It’s not like it’s censorship, it’s just a warning tag.
What do you think the tag is for?
People at work don’t (shouldn’t) click on NSFW-tagged content. If it draws your eye even more, then I assume you don’t browse from work.
How would it defeat the purpose to tag content that most workplaces would not be okay with? If you don’t mind seeing the content, then the tag might entice you. People at work will recognize it and not click
The NSFW tag is part of the mechanism to curate the feed.
I’m not sure why people get offended by people wanting to use social media but not wanting to view content that can get them fired. If the content doesn’t bother you, then you shouldn’t filter NSFW content. It’s not like the NSFW tag is censoring the content and preventing you from seeing it if you click it.
For people with jobs, why not make it easier to filter the things that companies don’t like? It doesn’t affect you any.
I kept thinking “bump key” which is a tool for bypassing locks