now that’s a mental image.
now that’s a mental image.
Nah it’s still a good question, does he actually need food or does the sun only power his powers.
It doesn’t pass the finger test, I’ll give you that.
He was famously solar powered, so, zero?
I have a very old 4K Toshiba TV with a built in “smart browser” that, due to me never plugging into the Internet, has a home page with news about how well Obama’s doing in the polls for being a relatively unknown junior senator.
If you want to roll your own, I’ve had good luck with ASRock Rack motherboards.
Oh man, I remember after we got network cards trying to make an Ethernet cable out of a bunch of old power cords. The error rate was through the roof but it actually worked for like an hour. We eventually walked to the local RadioShack and bit the bullet on buying a cable 😆
I remember making a serial cable so my friend and I could play command and conquer against each other. Good times.
source control management software like git lets you see basically this, yes.
Feel free to be wrong I guess 🤷🏽♂️
That’ll be $157.00, plus tax.
You’re only thinking about your survival and productivity, and even then only in the short term. A society deprived of everything beyond survival and productivity is going to implode.
Not NPR, that’s writing and journalism, which id argue is definitely an art.
Have fun with 500 versions of Alex Jones though.
Hard disagree. Humanity flourished when we had the free time to think, play, and create instead of just hunting and gathering all the time. Language, collaboration, imagination all grew thanks to art.
Culture doesn’t exist without art.
The rest of that column is basically “mosquitos”, blegh. Maybe we can get some birds to eat them.
Artists also take shits, that doesn’t mean taking a shit is art.
Salvador Dali designed the original Chupa Chups logo. Rockwell drew food for magazine ads.
Artists gotta eat.
No, It’s implying the person making the graphic is an artist.
Thanks republicans, next stop: Upton Sinclair was a communist and we should leave food safety to the experts: the mega corps.
Mayy is good but Junch hits just right. Jaunch might be the best.