Look up “commercial displays” - that’ll get you what you’re looking for!
Look up “commercial displays” - that’ll get you what you’re looking for!
Or, do bring it up and if they’re a douche, contact your credit card company and have them issue a chargeback to the company (which costs them money). I’ve done this before to shitty companies that tried to deny legitimate refunds, it works.
Try hitting the port and charger with some contact cleaner (computer off, charger unplugged).
Remember like 2 weeks ago when Google’s very own ad networks were distributing malware?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Go read at your local library, you don’t even need to check the books out if you read them there.
Pretty much any device could also be removed, disabled, or prevented from transmitting/receiving.
Buy commercial grade TVs or a projector: They don’t have that garbage.
You can also just buy older used cars, which are still perfectly good and do not have invasive surveillance that companies use to profit off of you with no benefit to you.
Buy a used car, or don’t buy a car at all and ride a bike, walk, or use public transit. Might have to move to a place that has busing, subways, bike lanes, etc. but it isn’t impossible.
Don’t buy cars that have this shit.
META lawsuits when?