Warning, Week 4 is when the black hole opens up.
Warning, Week 4 is when the black hole opens up.
Is that the one where they have a 3way with the busker in the woods? Super H O T T T !
And it’s easy to break the windows, it’s not bullet proof, the panels might fall off, and you can only haul 1/2 a bicycle in the back truck bed.
60’s vs 80’s = new jaguar brand.
Those two pictures don’t match. The lower guy is much thinner, and probably taller, than the upper guy. And… we have no proof either of them are the shooter. Spoiler alert, it could be a masked woman who did it. What proof it was a man?
I told you I cancelled our date, I have a toothache.
No! It’s a wine & sushi party. And he walks on water for your entertainment.
He forgot that you sanitize silicone adult toys in the Dishwasher, and realized he put them in the oven. He rushed to get them out and… found a roast. :confusion:
A clown? I am the headlining act! Now where’s my private dressing room, I have a face to paint!
NO! I AM WRONG!!1!!1!!!
If you have ever had a psycho (or two) stalk you online and/or in the real world, you will understand why privacy and anonymity is important.
I think people confuse the Political Based Vegan lifestyle and the Dietary Plant-based Vegan. They are not the same. Most people hate the political wing because they just cannot shut up. I do not want to be subjected to your religion, and you are not helping the animals you claim to. Dietary people just choose healthier options for themselves and don’t evangelize to others.
I peel the label off, put the sticky sides together and shred it. If it comes off in parts I just stick those to other documents that will be shredded as well, and shred. The trick is to not gum up your shredder. And remember to oil it often.
Many years ago I realized I can serve whatever I want on a holiday. I literally hate traditions that repeat every year for eternity. Move on, choose different foods. If other people don’t like it, it’s their problem. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
Nationalism is part of fascism. Just a FYI, it used to be illegal to make clothes out of the US flag. It’s only because of capitalism that it changed. And yes, any nation that goes flag crazy is stupid. Why do people fly a flag at their residence? We know what country we are in.
And tomorrow night enjoy Spam on your pancakes.