It was a yellow onion, but one of those fancy white ones you have nowadays.
It was a yellow onion, but one of those fancy white ones you have nowadays.
I found the cool dude, everyone!
It tastes like licking a crt screen that is showing the scrambled image of a grapefruit.
So, it’s great when the office stocks it for free.
Um, actually the proper name is Tromboner…
I’ve been praying for the black hole sun to come and wash away the rain for a few years now.
Also, ever eaten a shiny candy? Chances are is coated in confectioners glaze, which is a fancy word for shellac, which is an insect excretion.
Recently, it seems like standing your ground equals shooting through your door because there’s a non-white on the other side.
I won’t agree with anything you’ve said without further research, but I always appreciate the proper use of profligate.
Ah! This is convenient! I can finally settle this blood feude my father bestowed upon me on his death bed!
I’ll just need your contact information and we can get this whole ugly ordeal out of the way.
I, too, fell asleep to a couple of Peloponnesian War documentaries…
To be fair, to a 15 year old 28 is old as hell.
Whenever I see meter and liter spelled the English way I pronounce it Frenchly in my head with a gargled R.
Holy crap, that’s why craft beer tall cans are different from 16oz tall boys here in the states. I’d always wondered why the were 19.2.
It’s for a cop.
There’s also calibur for bullets, e.g. .357, .45, .22. , 30 aught 6.
How about addresses on mail going from most general to most specific?
United States Missouri, Kansas City 55555, N Lincoln Ave 1546, Apt 456 Joe Sturgeon
I was typing that as a joke because it is the opposite of the system in the US, but aren’t there places that follow this method?
‘Ill perform better in my position because I’m two inches taller and can reach the back of the top shelf without wasting company time sourcing a ladder!’
Aw. It’s just a liddle guy…