co-op is always more interesting
It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
co-op is always more interesting
Free protein!
Challenge accepted!
Even if it’s a dwarf planet, it’s still a planet. It’s right there in the name: dwarf planet.
This article should be about “Planet 18” since Wikipedia recognizes 17 planets already.
2001: An Ape Odyssey
There’s only one customer (and you’re not it).
Strikethrough markup works in titles. And you can even edit titles to fix them.
Strikethrough rendered:
This is marked as strikethrough text.
Strikethrough code:
This is marked as ~~strikethrough~~ text.
plant the tree today
careful, you’re bringing the smart now
You should stroke your rat multiple times per day for health.
Spiders don’t have wings, but they can fly across entire oceans on long strands of silk. For more than a century, scientists thought it was the wind that carried them, sometimes as high as a jet stream — in a process known as “ballooning.” A new study shows that the Earth’s electric field can propel these flying spiders too.
The study, published Thursday in the journal Current Biology, found that when spiders are in a chamber with no wind, but a small electric field, they are likely to prep for take-off, or even fly. Plus, the sensory hairs covering the spiders’ bodies move when the electric field is turned on — much like your own hair stands up due to static electricity. This “spidey sense” could be how the creatures know it’s time to fly.
This makes spiders only the second known arthropod species, after bees, to sense and use electric fields. Because humans don’t feel Earth’s electric field, its role in biology is often overlooked, said Erica Morley, the study’s lead author.
this is the key:
It’s not there anymore.
was it brown