Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn’t we try to tell them this is happening?
Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn’t we try to tell them this is happening?
I have a condition that causes me to only get good sleep on my side, but if I sleep on my side for more than a couple hours that side really starts to ache. So yeah I’m with you
Wow. This makes so much sense.
So what made you think this was advice meant for corporations?
What do you mean?
It shows as the memes community on .world for me. I don’t really think it’s funny though.
Why did you post this?
You spelled “and” wrong. 3 times.
I love this joke so much.
That’s the dream right there.
The only one you sourced doesn’t say anything about what you claim. I’m not denying that there are some questions here that need answering but most of this is just bullshit.
Fuck, this makes me wish my dad had taught me Linux so I had that knowledge growing up and didn’t have to learn it from scratch now as an adult
Or maybe ask what they need from you? Just a thought.
10/10 shitpost
English is so stupid.
Yeah, and my point is it’s weird how you think the only thing anyone has to lose is money. The stakes are just as high for any of us.
My initial point about him giving up a good life was intended to illustrate that he had much more to risk, and did it anyway.
That’s not much better imo. Anyone would have their life ruined (and possibly ended) if they did what he did.
Wow, I hadn’t heard this. Interesting.