It can’t be the ninth planet. It literally can’t. It’s either not a planet, or its the tenth planet.
What a potentially powerful tool of protest. Imagine if you got a movement of a few million people. They all move to a target bank. A few months later, they all demand their full account liquidation. Then you move on to the next megabank. One by one, drop them like flies.
Hmm, are you still covered by the FDIC if you deliberately engineer a bank failure? Let’s say all of Bank of America’s customers decided that they just really wanted to fuck BoA hard. So they arrange to all demand the complete liquidations of their accounts, all at once. Or maybe people arrange a series of bank failures as part of some broader political movement. But hypothetically, if a group of people deliberately caused their bank to fail, would their deposits still be FDIC-insured? In other words, if you deliberately arrange a bank run, will you still be covered by FDIC insurance?
The woods.
You know what? At that point, I think I might just be done with computers.
Trump’s next executive order: all computers in the US must be sold with two floppy drives pre-installed.
Any coders want to instantly have one of the most popular extensions for firefox, chrome, etc? It seems this would be the type of thing that would be relatively easy for an extension/add-on to fix.
Tim Cook will happily support someone who will stop him from adopting children or getting married if it means apples market share grows by 3%.
Exactly. As you note, rich people can usually buy their way around most anti-LGBT laws. Imagine you’re a billionaire or megacorp CEO. Consider your workarounds for various anti-LGBT laws. Imagine you’re such a person but happen to be gay and/or trans.
Gay marriage ban? Hire a team of lawyers to draft a series of contracts between you and your partner. Marriage imparts hundreds of protections and benefits, but most of those can also be achieved with a mountain of legal paperwork.
Laws criminalizing gay sex? You live on a giant private compound. How will cops even know what you’re doing in there? Even if they could, you can hire the best lawyers money can buy.
Restrictions on gender ID markers? Move your official residence to a state that affirms trans rights. For a passport, get a second or third passport in the form of a golden passport (one where you invest some large sum in a country in exchange for citizenship there.) Now you have a document for international travel with the correct gender marker on it.
Bans on trans medicine? Fly overseas for any medical treatment you need. If they really crack down on it, get treated with those injectable hormone pellets. Fly out of the country a few times a year to have your hormones topped off. Do any surgeries overseas as well.
Bathroom bans? Your limo has a toilet in it. Or you comply, use the restroom of your birth-assigned sex, and have your team of bodyguards guard the door while you do so. Or, more likely, you simply never go places where you would have to use a public restroom in the first place.
The hard truth is that most discriminatory laws can be bypassed or made irrelevant if you have enough cash.
There are simply very few discriminatory laws that can’t be bypassed with enough money. They’re not at risk until people actually start being sent to camps. And, as you note, they can easily jet off to a friendly country in the event of that ever happening.
You sound incredibly pretentious.
I’m sorry, but I’m not talking about McDonalds. I’m not talking about engineered food products. I mean a good thick slab of fresh bread made from flour, salt, a bit of sugar, and not much else. Served with a big dash of butter. That is heaven.
The healthspan stuff? Completely irrelevant to my point. What is the point of a healthspan if you deny yourself all the pleasures of life? Enjoy all things in moderation. But I firmly reject this whole, “well…have a little wheat bread if you muuust…anything else is abusive.”
“Do you even know what real food tastes like?”
Well you clearly know what your own farts smell like. Jesus Wept! Your head is so far up your ass you can see the contents of your own stomach.
You sacrifice and sacrifice, cutting everything out of your habits or diet that may bring you pleasure, only for the sake of extending your life. Then at the end of it all, you look back in dismay, in the dismal realization that despite your years, you have never lived at all…
Exactly! Fair enough if you want to define a planet as “anything big enough to be rounded by self-gravity, but too small to undergo fusion in its core.” But there is no definition of a planet, (or at least one without an arbitrary rule like "planets have to be X km in diameter,) that allows Pluto to be a planet without Ceres also being a planet.