That’s it. Time to bring back crucifixion.
Please elaborate. You clearly feel a more detailed explanation is necessary. Please outline which countries specifically you are referring to, and what the differences in KYC laws are that you feel I missed. Don’t simply complain; provide meaningful and useful information yourself. I am discussing in general terms, as OP is likely from the US or somewhere with similar KYC laws. If you feel a more detailed discussion is needed, now would be a good time for you to bring that discussion into this conversation. This is a topic that you clearly desire more information to be available on, so I would encourage you to provide the elaboration you clearly think is warranted.
I am discussing only in general terms most likely to be applicable to OP. If you want to expand this discussion to a more comprehensive answer, then please do that homework for us. If you desire to move the conversation in that direction, then that is an assignment for you to undertake.
Try to stay in context of the question. I’m not interested in arguing about every jurisdiction on the planet. OP specifically asked about crypto without KYC. This implies they live in an area that requires it.
You can buy with cash if you want, but certain types of transactions are regulated, yes.
I mean, this is explicitly illegal. So if you want to do it, you’ll have to go through people who don’t mind violating the law. Finding a drug dealer would probably be your best bet. Find some drug dealer that has some crypto. Give them the cards for crypto with a substantial transaction fee. (Like give them $100 in gift card for $80 in crypto. That’s pretty much your only option. It’s illegal to sell without CYK. That pretty much requires you to work with pretty shady characters if you want to obtain crypto without having it tracked to your identity. I would recommend not doing it. But if this is really something you’re set on, your best bet would probably be to talk to a dealer.
At this point, I’m full on ready to make “though shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind” global international law and a religious commandment. At least that way, we can burn all AI grifters as witches!
Seriously. There have been profiles of his online interests. He clearly was not a political partisan. What he was more than anything was anti-establishment. He was a big fan of both AOC and Joe Rogan. However, the corporate media is doing what it always does - try to divide us along artificial partisan lines.
I hope we never find out who did it. The killer just becomes this DB Cooper-esque legend who came out of nowhere, kill a CEO, and disappear never to be seen again. And even better, proving the complete and utter incompence of the NYPD, when they can’t manage to catch someone who killed in broad daylight in a city of cameras.
Revving up your engines for fun in a residential area should be a
criminalcapital offense.
While we’re trolling future historians, let’s rewrite the history books to say that the Great Depression was just a period where everyone was really sad for some reason. It was a mental health epidemic, not an economic crisis.
Wouldn’t that make sense from an evolutionary perspective? Through human history and prehistory, think of all the common tasks people did on a day-to-day basis. I would say the vast majority of them would involve looking at things below eye level. With the exception of picking fruit from trees or hunting birds in flight, most of the tasks we evolved to do involved looking at things below eye level. Most work with crops involves looking at things below the height of your eyes. Tracking prey involves looking at things below the line of the horizon or tracks on the ground. Crafting objects involves working with your hands and looking down at your work. Raising children involves looking down at their shorter stature.
Why wouldn’t our back and neck structure be evolutionarily optimized to look at things a bit below eye level?
Now I really want to see an animation of what the European discovery of the planet looked like. Imagine a time lapse of a Civilization game, as the map is slowly revealed. I want to see that, except actual history.
This list of serial killers is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.