Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.
Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!
It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
This is why they are mostly sold with a bitterant outer coating. It should be pretty gross to just hold a recently purchased coil cell battery in your mouth these days.
A small percentage of hyper inflated prices over a large consumer base still equates to MASSIVE profits. It is a fundamental ethical flaw that we even allow for-profit medicine that is compounded by obvious cartel organization structures and corruption.
Same, but CADD packages. Every UI is different for each app. Users each have unique configurations of buttons, ribbons, and task windows. Some apps even use completely different terms for identical concepts. Long ago I stopped remembering button and tool placement in autoCAD and just memorized commands because the GUI would completely change with every update and sometimes after a crash.
All baking recipes should be in mass for the dry ingredients and volume for the wet ingredients, definitely NOT weight. Because measuring flour by grams (mass) makes sense, but measuring flour by pounds (weight) is fucking stupid. Lots of people in this thread pretending to be smart by using SI units, but were apparently asleep in class when the teacher covered the difference between weight and mass. If you’re going to get picky about such a trifling difference between a volume of sugar and a certain mass of sugar at least get the details correct.
This isn’t an unpopular opinion, just ignorance. You’re used to other systems. Different systems are different, even among the various Linux distributions. Having used mostly Linux and Windows, I too briefly had some culture shock using OSX. Complaining here is like rocking in a rocking chair, it may feel good but it’s not going to get you anywhere.
This seems like a guarantee of failure for ANY actual use of the hitch. How is that even legal?
Have you ever worn chainmail without an undershirt? Or gambeson? It feels neat at first. Never had to worry about pinching. It didn’t grab any hair. The metal will feel cool and smooth all night. But oh Lord, the awful pain it will bring to unprotected virgin nipples. Like surfing for a hundred years without a rash guard all in one hedonistic night concentrated on the area less than two dimes. NEVER AGAIN. A couple bandaids or pasties the next time and all is good.
I think you’ll be fine with just a top sheet between you and the chainmail.
Talking to you is like talking to a chat bot and I don’t like it.
What part wasn’t clear that I didn’t explain in my previous comment?
I wasn’t trying to be mean. I have no shame about masturbation. I wasn’t being sarcastic or snide. I meant what I said genuinely and without prejudice. You’re using a machine because it’s easy, self fulfilling, and you don’t have to worry about the complexities of interacting with another person. How is that any different than using a vibrator? If you feel shame about this or using a sex toy by yourself, maybe you should reflect on those feelings and analyze if they are helping you or hurting you.
What is the irony?
This just sounds like platonic masturbation.
I know the Hogwarts Legacy game got a lot of hate from Rowling being a monster, but the game mechanics really let you optimize stealthing. I’ve snuck into many a goblin stronghold and just sneaky sneak murder-hobo’d like 20 or more of them, one at a time, looting the bodies before they even hit the floor. They even show the little ! icon. I feel like I’m playing Solid Snake goes to Hogwarts sometimes.
But it tastes so much worse than adding a ball of wasabi to the piece and dipping the soy sauce separately if at all. How can you possibly get enough wasabi to really bring out the flavor of the fish without absolutely drowning your sushi in soy sauce? Not every piece should get the same proportion of soy sauce and wasabi either.
Try reading it again you poor illiterate fool
He doesn’t understand that some men don’t need their vehicle size to compensate for their tiny manhood (and I don’t mean penis). Real men have fun and don’t give a fuck, because they fuck. Like what you like with enthusiasm. Don’t hurt other people or put down their joy. Support your fellows and sheilas. Cook an excellent meal. Mend your clothes. Be nuturing. Be kind. Don’t be toxic. Be a fuckin’ man. Or woman. Or whatever. I don’t care. Be you. Be excellent to each other. Sorry, rant over.
I like your schema. I’ve used something similar. My hosts have always been sci-fi space/time ships/stations, user accounts are characters from or Captain’s of said vessels. Over the years I’ve had a TARDIS, Serenity, Moya, Out of Bands II, Galactica, Millennium Falcon, Rocinante, etc. It’s usually whatever I happen to be discovering or binging at the time I setup the machine. For nearly a decade the TARDIS was my server/NAS because it was bigger on the inside that survived through several generations of smaller devices like laptops and raspberry Pi’s named after smaller lighter vessels like Serenity and Rocinante.