But you’re not handing your phone over, it stays in your hand and if there’s a QR code to scan they’ll scan it with the phone in your hand
But you’re not handing your phone over, it stays in your hand and if there’s a QR code to scan they’ll scan it with the phone in your hand
In Brazil, the officer just uses their own phone to scan a validation QR on the ID app, at no point your phone leaves your hand and in a few seconds the officer has what they need. Shouldn’t this be the case in the EU? AFAIK the officers only take your physical ID to check the number, so if you’re using the app they shouldn’t need to confirm that as the info is already validated
This and the automated reply achieve precisely nothing you’re setting out to do. People won’t register in a service or install a new app solely to talk to you.
Well if you’re in a country that uses WhatsApp as a main communication platform, then either you use it too or you don’t talk to your friends, family and more.
If you’re really paranoid about it, you can download AppVerifier and have Obtainium automatically send the downloaded apk to it and verify the sums before installing
ToS and EULAs are generally not at all enforceable in most of the world
Probably not, as the image says Zen is based on the latest Firefox and Floorp isn’t.
I really can’t explain but I type WAY worse on HelBoard. I’m usually quite accurate typing on phones, but on HeliBoard it’s almost as if my finger is always shifted to the side, and that every tap has twice the delay
Have you tried HeliBoard? I think it has the best multilingual support for all these FOSS keyboards, but mind you, you have to manually load the dictionaries for the languages you want, and same thing for the swipe libraries, but it’s all documented and linked on the GitHub page.
RCS does not go through Google servers. RCS with Google’s profile do, which is not the case with Apple as they are using the universal profile.
Say what you will about the country, but gov.br and PIX put everything else to shame and no one even came close to something like that