Take a look what subject “they” is standing for in my sentence. And then the quantifier before that subject.
Don’t lecture me on semantics.
I have commited the Num-Code for ™ to muscle memory.
Other interests include bicycles, bread making and DIY. I do own a 3D-printer and adore the Nintendo 3ds.
Take a look what subject “they” is standing for in my sentence. And then the quantifier before that subject.
Don’t lecture me on semantics.
I disagree. I only see one “thing” here, and that’s “shooting as a sport”. I also didn’t consider quail and deer hunting separately, so I don’t know why you wasted so much time writing all the different forms down: to an outsider, the are the same in this context. Maybe 2, the sports that arose from hunting and the ones that arose from the military, the latter often drawing human outlines on their targets which just adds to my point.
And unfortunately, I already was at such competition as a visitor. It’s a sport like any other, your enjoyment largely depends on the people there, and guns attract the kind I want nothing to do with.
I would have considered this the popular opinion, but it seems I’m the odd one out. The comments here defending it are hard to read.
Like, Farmers and Hunters: You know you are like 8% of the population at most, right? Killing animals should have maybe been mentioned as an alternative use for guns, sure, but come on: most gun nuts, as most people in general, are city folk. They buy a gun to shoot or threaten to shoot people exclusively.
That is a very American excuse. The US has 120 guns per 100 people, Europe’s highest, Serbia, which had a literal civil war not 2 decades ago, has 40.
The US has a gun problem.
I can see a few problems with getting pork sausages delivered to these regions, but I’m sure the Taliban will acquiesce given the importance.
Uninformed take. First of, we are working on killing off only a few, malaria carrying Mosquito species in certain regions. Whatever niche they leave will be filled by another, possibly native species of Mosquito.
2nd, nutrient transfer my butt, they carry like 1ml and that’s mostly water. You definitely transfer more nutrients by having some ants in your compost bin.
I never bought any Apple product and thought they were overhyped, so it might be easy enough for me to say, but no, I personally wouldn’t have been Ok with it.
I can see more people begrudgingly using it if Apple did it though.
The beginning of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_performance sums it up pretty cleanly.