20 survivors * 10 or so generations.
So inbreeding coefficient is around siblings for the entire population.
20 survivors * 10 or so generations.
So inbreeding coefficient is around siblings for the entire population.
My son’s group in middle school hosted their own proxy overseas. They then pirated a whole bunch of educational videos that the teachers liked to use and made nice clean interface. The games pages had no direct links on the educational videos screens. They had to type in the the page directly in the URL.
So the teachers all loved the site and gave the official “approved for all students” bypass on the districts Chromebooks. The kids had uninterrupted access to all their games.
The kids were smart enough to keep the location of the games to students with a B or higher GPA. Most of the teachers turned a blind eye to them playing games when they did get caught. The games pages also had a home button that sent the students screens to a random educational video. I was truly impressed with their clever approach.
The IT department either never caught on or enjoyed the games themselves because its still up and they are all in highschool now.
Poor workflow management sadly is quite normal, not the exception. She was in her early 20’s at the time, just completely computer and workflow incompetent. I have seen similar issues with people of all ages. It’s not a generational thing, it’s an aptitude and interest thing.
Get out more. This is entirely realistic in my experience.
The worst one I ran into was early in my career. This was back during the XP days.
The lady who who did the job before had a certificate e-mailed to her from a lab. She printed the certificate off then slipped two certificates front and back into a plastic sheath and put them into a 4" 3 ring binder.
She then deleted the labs e-mail and electronic copy to save space in her mailbox.
There were around 4,000 of these certificates every year for 5 years when I started. So around 20,000 pages. We had ONE physical copy of a legally required certificate.
Around 15 shipments per year required her to find around 300-400 specific certificates She then had to pull them out of the plastic sheaths, make 3 physical copies and scan one PDF to load to the government agencies webpage.
She would then delete the PDF, and laboriously refile the certificates back into the the plastic sheets.
Oh the binders were also ordered in a way that nobody but her could find anything. It was about as close to random as you could get.
The 15 shipments took around 50% of her time every year.
I hired two temps and gave them a few very boring days. When we were done the certificates were all organized in a logical numerical order and in long-term secure storage. I had a folder on the server with 20,000 PDF files all with a unique name. It took me around 15 minutes to locate, print, and upload the required files for each shipment.
Factor label conversions. They get really complicated in chemistry as well.
I honestly would love to. Unfortunately my banking and accounting apps for my business won’t run on it.
Also the reason I have an iPad for two apps that are not on Android that I have to have for business.
M business laptop is W10 instead of Linux mint like my personal one for the same reason…
I am typing this on a pixel 8
Try disabling and removing the Google search bar. Can’t be done. Since Google search has gone down hill I never use it.
How about removing the the news feeds? You have to disable the Google app to get rid of it. If I want to read the news, I do a quick search. It’s not hard to do. I don’t need a news feed on my phone.
What about the stupid at a glance at the top of the home screen? It just takes up space for no benefit over the notification bar. It can’t be fully removed.
I also never us any voice assistant etc because it’s faster to type it in than repeat myself.
I currently have 19 apps on this phone disabled that I can’t uninstall… No fluff huh…
All of my apps are organized into folders and I am never more than one swipe and two taps away from opening the app I want. I don’t scroll, I don’t search, I know where everything is and have it opening in under a second.
I have used both iOS and Android for more than a decade. After every update on both systems I have to go through and delete/disable junk I don’t need/privacy issues.
The stock android pixel UI has gotten so full shit I have to use a launcher.
iOS’s UI is terrible to use with everything taking twice as long as it should. So many illogical hidden commands.
Everything has gotten randomly harder to get basic things done.
My win 10 business computer with classic shell will stop being supported the end of the year… Oh joy…
Hmmmm… I wonder what would cause pharmaceutical prices mysteriously drop?
In my state they ended up passing a distracted driving law that includes eating while driving. It’s a secondary enforcement law (they can’t pull you over for it).
If you run a red light while eating a hamburger, you’ll get the primary fine (running the red light) plus another $100 fine for distracted driving.
Why? because for some people taking a drink or a bite of a burger will make them crash. This is especially true in urban areas with a ton of things a driver needs to be aware of and react to.
They are doing a major release every year. . Then they do 2-5 feature releases every year. The they do constant bug fix releases/and security updates.
Often they change shit just for the sake of changing shit with no apparent rhyme or reason. I tried to figure out how to multi-task on my work iPad. Every release they change it and it’s all hidden commands. I finally just disabled multi-tasking and use my phone as an extra screen.
It’s seriously much worse than my android phones. On my pixel I install a launcher, set it up how I like it and never see most of the changes between versions.
The smaller restaurants kept their prices tracking actual inflation to maintain their customer base. Lately they have been enjoying increased business because of the nationals screwups.
The local Greek place $65.
The best taco truck in town is $55.
For $75 I can get my local family owned Thai place with leftovers for the next day.
DQ, McD, Subway, KFC, all run between $60-75.
For $70 I can even get my family chipotle and enjoy the guaranteed food poisoning a few hours later.
It amazes me how little population migration there has been in africa. Discrete groups remain isolated from each other for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years. Everywhere else, population migrations and genetic mixing has occured regularly.