A real conservationist in every sense of the term.
What is wrong with peace that its inspiration doesn’t endure, and this its story is hardly told ?
A real conservationist in every sense of the term.
i had to use them for work.
i’ve been using them for private life, too. they are not what they used to be. law enforcement has ways to flood vpn ip pools to destroy whatever privacy one might get from marketers and advertisers and social media data munchers.
Cunk on Brian Cox:
“So do you go by Brian or … do you prefer Cox ?”
We all got holes to fill
And them holes are all that’s real
Some fall on you like a storm
Sometimes you dig your own
porn has made some people find porn in everything
once again having an old as fudge iphone has paid off
if only i could have kept my iphone 5 working i could still be using headphones
That is why MacKenzie Scott is the best living billionaire.
She did just that before all this mess started.
Is there anything a Trumpian can’t find offense if a black man has done it ?
I’m pretty sure it was from trains first
Italians, like the people that populate Italy, don’t think of themselves as white. They see themselves as Italian.
Americans of Italian descent have a complicated relationship with “whiteness”. White is not a biology. It is a malleable group designed to keep people labeled black underfoot.
also acceptable: the pardoner’s boys
the dna/rna/dna replication process just gets sick of doing the same thing over and over
aging is just spicy rna
If small towns were so great then why didn’t he stay there ?
Oh right greed and need of psychopathic power grabbing of the american dream.
Don’t forget to show the part where Hob Gadling meets them for a drink.
Zoomber is the masculine definitive of Zoomba
we are “the maps without new zealand” generation
$500/ticket at the show in Vancouver.
How much does she need to feel like that she won ?
I have nothing to offer other than I see being unable to access Instagram because I have no fb as a gift not a struggle. I hope that you can enjoy being freed rather than see it as a ban.