“When your brother’s date shoots his load at your sugar daddy.”
“When your brother’s date shoots his load at your sugar daddy.”
Why does it look like he’s farting in the general direction of the on-rushing dinosaur?
I remembered him from Mars Attacks too.
House has a fan that can’t be turned off at night.
Koreans: guess I’ll just die
Hadn’t heard of it before. But based on the cheesy meme, how desperate this post sounds, and the fact that the platform seems like a chan imposter, I’ll pretend like I still haven’t heard of it.
Guest starring Dick van Dyke as the busker.
Okay, I like this lore.
If he’s the one fixing all the destruction wrought by Kool-Aid Man, isn’t he the good twin? Which would of course make Kool-Aid Man… the evil twin!
I was looking into something similar recently, and asked around on Lemmy. The general consensus I heard was that a Mini PC weren’t ideal, mostly I think due to the fact that they aren’t designed purely for streaming.
One think someone said piqued my interest, and I might try this. They recommended buying a cheap, Android TV compatible streaming box (like an Onn brand one), and side-loading an open source (and ad-free) launcher onto it.
I found this thread over on the Huffman Shitshow that had some good instructions.
My grandfather was a high-end carpenter and furniture maker. He made some really nice cabinets and tables. He taught my dad all about both how to determine good quality furniture and how to make it. But my dad was not a carpenter, so quite a lot of the latter information was lost on him. What he did remember he (my dad) relayed to me. But I have only retained parts of what he relayed. Determining good vs bad quality furniture though? I remember most of that.
So now when I am looking at a new piece of furniture I can see whether it’s well or badly made. And let me tell you, the furniture made today is absolute shite quality unless you want to pay a lot for it. If you just want something for the next few years that’s fine. But if you want something to last (especially something that lasts the onslaught of abuse kids put it through), that’s a problem. But can I made such furniture? Hell no! All I can do is see the poor quality of most modern furniture and lament it. It’s a bit of a shit situation to be in, honestly.
That said, there’s still some really older good stuff available at second hand and thrift stores, and at estate sales. And it’s usually available for a good price.
Eartha Kitt was on his list?! WTF did she do? I skimmed through her Wikipedia page, and the only thing I could see was that she was an activist in helping underprivileged inner city kids, and she called out politicians for not doing more to help them as part of that work.
Was Fred Rogers also on Nixon’s list?
Additionally, there’s are some pretty nice free plugins for Java Minecraft server (e.g. Deluge) that allow Bedrock users to play on it too - from a PC, Xbox, PlayStation, phone, or whatever.