You got a pro managing it?
You got a pro managing it?
Spaces before a full stop? Really?
Definitely. CUDA has had a long headstart, and Nvidia were very clever in getting it entrenched early on, particularly in universities and such. It’s also just… generally does the job.
My above comment was purely on the gaming side
People buy Nvidia no matter what. Even when they aren’t the best choice. Then those same people complain about Nvidia doing the anticompetitive things they do.
The best is when people cheer for AMD making something great, only so they can buy an Nvidia card cheaper, as if the only reason AMD exists is to subsidise their Nvidia purchase!
Nvidia’s greatest asset is the mindshare they have.
Surely a yard (3ft, ~90cm) is the most equivelant to a metre, not a foot
I’m sorry my corrections to all your many errors are bothering you.