Artificial scarcity enforced by capitalism.
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
Artificial scarcity enforced by capitalism.
Not unintuitive for lack of trying - some big minds tried hard and failed. Jerome Bruner, Seymour Papert, Alan Kay, Bret Victor.
Alan and Bret are mentioned in the “Sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration”:
Amiga user: “Everyone knows the floppy save, but how do you save to the hard drive?”
Save to folder:
C-cassette player:
Ford Model T came with a complete manual for disassembly, maintenance, and repair. It made a generation of Americans fluent in mechanics who then went on to win World War II, to the Moon, and higher up skyscrapers than ever.
“Learn this as a child:”
“Do this as an adult:”
Never again. Right to repair doesn’t do much when the manual is so expensive only brand-dedicated repair shops can afford it.
One day I had my phone charging on the same table I was measuring a liquid from two glass dropper bottles. The phone heard me shaking the bottles, clinking the glass pipettes, and dropping the liquid into water. I’ve never ever talked about dropper bottles as I didn’t know what they are called before this incident. I had bought the liquids with their bottles about a month before, and I’ve only ever referred to them by the brand name of the liquid.
My Quora feed 20 minutes later:
“What are the advantages of using dropper bottles in chemical processes?”
Wouldn’t be a problem if someone took dating as seriously as Skyscanner takes flight tickets.
Could be a publicity stunt by a nearly forgotten brand.
Agreed, but people seem to have lost the understanding of hypertext.
Why did they think the word is blue? How is that not obvious anymore?
Neutron activation is the only common way that a stable material can be induced into becoming intrinsically radioactive.
A phone can notice when it’s in the hands of a security expert and start acting normal. Before dieselgate, Volkswagen cars had been emissions tested for years without finding anything suspicious. Turned out VW used the car’s sensors to detect when it was being tested.
Similarly before dieselgate, Volkswagen cars had been emissions tested for years without finding anything suspicious. Turned out VW used the car’s sensors to detect when it was being tested. A phone can notice when it’s in the hands of a security expert and start acting normal.
Funny thing, hormesis is what homeopathy was looking for:
Did someone found hormeopathy?
Grown up in Microsoft-contorted concept space, hard to think of anything better. Thinking limited incremental, starting from a bad place.
Free yourself, unlearn, wash eyes, air the brain, make a clean slate, pure design, intuitive for a new generation of children, helping all life.
The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration