What on earth is the point of this
Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
What on earth is the point of this
Go a mini itx over nuc, you can add a half decent gpu and run 1964 as well
Yeah you can. Once i set mine up i locked them out of the net and use free ip to monitor
Dedicated mini pc running vlc and retroarch with a network link to my 18tb file server schwing schwing
Ok dude.
Have you ever set up one of these devices? It’s not a case of ‘find my wifi, enter in passkey, connected’ they literally broadcast an unsecured ad hoc network that you connect to and configure from.
If you never connect it it will sit there blaring an unsecured wifi with access to its core configuration forever
I have an old tplink router i connect shit to that i then turn off
Hormones are weird and wonderful things
Wait a minute, you’re not my husband!
So what i’m hearing is that i should attach all items my husband regulalrly loses track of to a moving object to play into his sight strengths. Basket on the ceiling fan it is
Still can’t find your damned socks though
Perfect enrichment
Some literally will not let you use them without an Internet-enabled setup
depends on where you are, I just know that looking at an upgrade earlier this year (I REFUSE smart tvs) we found better jobs on the commercial front.
Ironically we ended up scoring one from our local buy nothing group, but I did find https://hometheateracademy.com/best-dumb-non-smart-tvs/ if it helps.
Look for commercial models.
Don’t even need to mini pc, we use one of the silverstone amp-sized cases with an asrock
Also we don’t jellyfin we just use vlc on a win7 base. Means i can run retroarch and UT on the tv as well :)
Which will result in federal agencies going straight up their arse.
Many countries outside the US have actual consumer protections
Good thing openWRT works on those
Which is the point - point the backlash at the UK while the US hoovers up the data