Wait, what’s wrong with Proton Mail?
Wait, what’s wrong with Proton Mail?
It’s not a single issue vote for most Americans. It was definitely a single issue vote for majority of Arab-Americans. Who are concentrated particualrly in criticial swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin.
This is a common thing where you live?
So no discussions are expected to happen on a post, and site, that promotes discussions?
Found you Roger Simon.
Thanks for the blast from the past lol.
I haven’t been on reddit for years but I always remember it having this problem. My first account was made just so I could get that /r/atheism circlejerk out of my feed.
I don’t know what it’s like now but keep in mind that in addition to the growth, reddit has been taken over by corporate interests. That, and the big increase in traffic, means it’s more of a target for botfarms and things of that nature.
Best way to avoid this problem is to just participate in the smaller niche subreddits in my experience.
Reddit hivemind has been a thing for the entire history of Reddit.
Don’t care to bother summarizing it for you.
Do you find yourself agreeing with all or most of this announcement
Edit: or this one?
It might help justify your viewpoint if you give actual examples. What defederations were you not a fan of? What instances do you not like?
Sounds to me like someone posted an opinion so bad that mods decided to have it removed and is now crying victim.
That’s not a threat. It’s a question. You seem to be able to justify those actions so easily. Are you actually able to justify those actions to the victims? Are you actually able to look them in the eyes as their neighbors attack them unprovoked and without consequence and say this is good for the long term?
The question is not relevant since money does not replace human lives.
I give you a situation where a genocidal maniac attacks a foreign country entirely unprovoked and inflicts thousands of deaths to kill a single person and you think it’s the best long term option? Would you feel comfortable going to Lebanon right and now and preaching this point?
That’s really not an excuse. I don’t know what else to say to make you understand that you should appreciate and at least acknowledge the insanely high loss of human life. Especially when it’s done by a genocidal colonial country known for inflicting civilian casualties with little to no justification. You seem to fail to understand the context of the situation, such as how the areas came to be so densely populated by colonial settlement of Israel, or how this was a conflict entirely escalated by Israel themselves. The fact that you actually genuinely believe these things makes it even more concerning since you seem to accept any number of human life as an acceptable loss to assassinate someone. I’ve debated on this topic before many times here on Lemmy. If I was the one you were debating I would not take your arguments in good faith either.
Except you’re the one debating in bad faith. On a post highlighting the obscenely high cost of human life to target a single member by a state known for some of its most horrendous war crimes in modern history, you’re just too keen to dismiss it. Remember my comment about people saying things online where as if they said them in person, they would be assaulted and/or socially shunned? You’re this person in this case. The person even came back to reply to you why they said the things you did. If you’re not capable of this basic level of self reflection, then you really shouldn’t make a post like this where you complain about people arguing. I’m bad faith with you.
Also, I just went into your comment history and took a quick peek. Your latest “unpopular” opinion seems to be because you disregarded the lives of civilians from the most recent attack by Israel to assassinate Nasrallah. You come across as quite callous trying to justify the murder of hundreds/thousands all to attack one individual. Stuff like that rubs people the wrong way since you seem to display a very morally and ethically wrong opinion when you can’t even seem to acknowledge the horrendous loss of life.
Yeah I agree, sounds a bit excessive. If that’s correct, it doesn’t sound like they’re reading your data and at the end of the day they have to comply with things like warrants. Thanks for the clarification.