“Please disable your adblocker to resto–”
Yo, uBlock, see that little bitch ass window telling me to turn you off? Yeah, block element that piece of shit. Thanks bro!
“Please disable your adblocker to resto–”
Yo, uBlock, see that little bitch ass window telling me to turn you off? Yeah, block element that piece of shit. Thanks bro!
Bullshit. Remember the waves? Like Earth could pull anything like that off.
It’s not an actual ball though. Nor is it usually operated with a foot, with a few isolated exceptions per game.
Turns out we’ve been calling it the wrong thing all along!
iirc one of the Asian languages pronounces the number 4 as “ha” so instead of typing things like “LOL” they’ll just spam 4 to respond to something funny.
The parenthesis thing is probably something similar. We’ve all got weird linguistic quirks; the digital era just dumps fuel on the fire.
At this point the original is buried far enough that the joke probably isn’t very obvious anymore, but someone posted this unironically a couple days ago, so I turned around and reposted it to two additional communities just to be on-the-nose about this type of whining.
Content is content - 99% of people don’t care if it’s been posted before
At this point the original is buried far enough that the joke probably isn’t very obvious anymore, but someone posted this unironically a couple days ago, so I turned around and reposted it to two additional communities just to be on-the-nose about this type of whining.
Content is content - 99% of people don’t care if it’s been posted before
At this point the original is buried far enough that the joke probably isn’t very obvious anymore, but someone posted this unironically a couple days ago, so I turned around and reposted it to two additional communities just to be on-the-nose about this type of whining.
Content is content - 99% of people don’t care if it’s been posted before
If you didn’t see @einlander’s post, “Blocktube” is exactly what we’re looking for!
It’d be three if you visit my other repost!
I stole this from another user fair and square!
Complaining about complaining about reposts has already been posted before.
The plane crashes and surge in popularity of Nazi rhetoric suck and all, but stay focused on the important things: we stopped that trans kid from playing tennis against real boys!! Worth it, right?!
Eventually you’ll grow out of that mindset.
Shedding the belief that things will get better is key becoming nice and numb.
Pick your poison., ofc barring the entries that don’t fit the context of what we’re talking about, like ‘military intelligence’ which is ultimately just data.
If you want it in my own words, I’d say it’s how information is handled, and includes the entire sequence of receiving information, evaluating that information, making a decision based on that evaluation, and then assessing the results of that decision.
There’s more to it than just input -> output, even if it’s a really complex input or output.
How 'bout you?
It’s artificial as in fake, not man-made and it’s been that way since the 70’s
‘Artificial’ isn’t the part of it that’s in question, lol. And computing has been around since way before the 70s.
AI has always been about faking decision making
That isn’t intelligence.
adversarial AI in a video game or a chat bot
are examples of A but not I.
this semantic argument crap has just been annoying.
Agreed. Words have meanings, and while we fuck it up a lot by not understanding the meaning or by some marketing department deliberately using the wrong words to sell something to people who don’t know any better, none of that means the words don’t have meanings.
Unless we’re going with the whole “we’ve used it incorrectly long enough that that’s what it means now cuz language evooooolves!” shit, and honestly, maybe we have crossed that line, but that shit’s above my paygrade.
It’ll require us to create an actual AI first, but yeah when that day comes shit’s gonna get real wild real fast.
And no, the glorified spellchecker-on-steroids we’re all calling AI but isn’t actual intelligence isn’t gonna cut it. Fun toy though.
No experience with corvids, but I’ve had parrots and they fucking love dipping. They’ll pick dried fruits and such out of their mix, carry it over to their water, dunk, nibble, dunk, nibble, etc.
Usually it’s something dried that makes sense to reconstitute, but sometimes they’ll dip something like seeds just for the hell of it.
Closest thing to sauce I ever gave them was some yogurt, and usually they’d just eat it straight, but occasionally would drop some other food into it before eating it.
I use duck duck go, it does the trick 99% of the time, especially if you use extensions to remove specified websites - like Pinterest - from the results.