
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Stalinwolf@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.world185 bpm
    15 days ago

    I don’t think I could handle it these days at age 37, but I miss staying up for days on Adderall in my early 20s, playing Skyrim and shit. There was no greater feeling of adventure. A lot of jacking off, too. Sometimes the jacking off got in the way.

  • $17.99 for the 20 pc. In Canada. $10.79 for a 10 pc. I about shit when I immigrated here and realized nuggets were off the table. I can’t imagine ordering that and picturing one dollar every time I pop one into my mouth. My wife buys me a ten piece for my birthday every year since I won’t buy them myself out of protest. Also, my kid is old enough now to finish her 4 pc. Happy Meal, so I don’t get to scavenge for uneaten morsels like I did before. It’s tragic.

  • A man took a nor



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    Man was take picture of lady and wowzah did he see

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    something on her that was crazy

    and he look at picture closely t


    get a be




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    Celebrity Colin Ferrel was seen today with ex-wife while wearing a brown coat

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  • Stalinwolf@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.worldsup
    3 months ago

    If they want to make healers engaging, they can just add a system of short (but highly effective) buffs for you to cleverly weave in between your heals depending on the situation. Some healers in DAoC had a blade-turn buff that worked as a protective bubble that fully absorbed the next hit, regardless of how much damage it would have done. The Warden class was a fairly weak warrior, but it had a pulsing version of the spell that just ran idly in the background, ticking every six seconds at its highest level. That shit was awesome.

    Having some sort of damage is obviously needed to level a healer while questing and such, but I’m with you in not wanting to fucking DPS while healing. Had zero interest in healers in FFXIV for this exact reason. Let me focus on heals while occasionally dropping a quick damage buff on the DPS, a shield or blade-turn on the tank, and maybe a pass mana regen on myself or the mages.