You can either be the unbothered dog in the burning café or burning dog in the unbothered café
I don’t care what people say, the most important historical event in my lifetime was the discovery and release of the lost Steely Dan tape containing The Second Arrangement
You can either be the unbothered dog in the burning café or burning dog in the unbothered café
Both are D. B. Cooper
I was reincarnated as a bug too early and it made me late for work and my family hated me for it
“Echoes” also quotes the Phantom of the Opera theme /s
Don’t sleep with fans. Celebrities get cancelled for that.
Well yeah, a new year is a new revolution, that’s how planetary orbits work
Do you really expect that to happen?
People tend to be among their age group online. Social media and online forums are conducive to echo chambers.
I started playing it recently because I had heard the soundtrack, but it seems like about once every hour I run into a bug that completely prevents progress, and cosmetic bugs are also fairly common. Closing and reopening the game typically fixes it, but the bugginess is frustrating.
I tried it once and vomited on my sweater
My biggest gripe with cooking instructions is the non-specificity. “Stir pasta frequently”? How frequently? How continuously? Tell me in unit Hertz
I thought #4 was a QR code at first glance, which is more abstract
40k games??? That’s far too many
I’m not sure whom you’re trying to mock: me (baselessly), OP, or an unspecified third party
I mean, if you want to buy me a new and better smartphone to replace the one that I’ve been using since I received it as a gift 4 years ago, then go right ahead. Otherwise, no need to be so condescending about something someone may not have the finances to affect.
I had to look at the community rules to see what to do as well:
If you agree that the opinion is unpopular give it an arrow up. If it’s something that’s widely accepted, give it an arrow down.
What is the protocol for when I don’t have enough data to assess how popular an opinion is and I want to spread and support it to make it more popular of an opinion?
Boot-flavored Kool-aid