I was expecting them to be more expensive, but $85/drive isn’t bad.
I was expecting them to be more expensive, but $85/drive isn’t bad.
Hardware wise, are the drives SATA? I couldn’t get an answer at a glance. If you are running them mirrored, you can back off on the cost.
The three drives may ramp up the fan on that. Check to see if there are additional fan headers and add some intake fans.
I was more referring to the abuse they have taken. I’m quite comfortable standing on them if needed.
I actually have a mini workshop for making little shit. I made matching desks for my son and me 7 years ago. Even though my son beat the crap out of his and mine lost a load support, they are still standing better than any IKEA desk I have seen.
It has been pretty good. Almost like Monk, House, and Fargo as a police show.
Will Trent just used it I think.
I would only do that if it was grimy. Dust would normally brush off. If OP smokes or anything like that then rubbing alcohol would be appropriate.
You can power it off, unplug it, remove the drive, and use a small clean and dry paint brush to ensure there is no dust in there.
Since it is happening with Windows and Linux you may be looking at a bad drive. It would make sense to RMA it.
/mnt/ is where I would put this. Only exception would be if I had a service I was providing, like a media player server, and then I might mount it at /srv/
Those 2008 disks weren’t great, but airflow advice at that time wasn’t great either.
I can understand how you got where you are, but my concern is that your raidz pools will get more slow as the shared bus fills. You might be able to mitigate this by distributing your pools across different root hubs.
I get the point that external devices will have less heat entrapment, but laying your components in your case to optimize air flow will keep your drives cooler and extend their life. Also, I personally have a lot of risk in my house due to children and pets and can’t imagine leaving my devices out like that.
What size drives and what quantity are you considering?
I know it’s not your question, but you might get much better results from a SAS card and adding SATA SSD drives. You can slowly upgrade an ATX system to meet increased power and space needs. I have done the same using truenas and it’s working great.
Continuing to add USB devices does increase the serial traffic per bus since it is shared. Increased traffic increases errors, lowering your bandwidth further.
It’s worth a shot.
My only other concern is that the power supply might not be enough. A soft reset once it is booted might allow it to work, but I know I’m stretching. You probably noticed that the computer powers on, resets, and then powers on again to post. That’s because the smaller wattage supplies are basically only big enough to run the system. If you had an ATX system, I would suggest a different power supply.
Try reseating the card and make sure it is all the way down.
Try powering on with the drives disconnected for power.
See if you can boot into BIOS and then boot into os.
Try it again in the old system to make sure the card survived the transfer.
When they stop getting paid.
If it keeps saying your drives missing, and you hang replaced your drives, then the next step is the main board.
I would inspect the m.2 sockets carefully. It would be easiest to use your phone macro setting if you can.
You might also have a heat issue. Check your airflow to be sure you have sufficient flow over the drives and it exits.
Depending on your board, the m.2 lanes connect directly to your processor or possibly your chip set. One of those may be defective. You should check your board documentation to determine which.
If you think it is an issue with the m.2 process you could consider says SATA SSD. It’s not as fast, but it’s still plenty great compared to spinning disks.
Nothing you can do about it. Keep an eye on the bad sectors. If they keep climbing, then you have a problem. It’s likely it was bumped while reading or writing, and there were some casualties. If it stays the same, then it is probably fine.
That makes sense. It sounds helpful if you have a bunch of requests.
Nope. Is it for people to ask me to add stuff to sonarr?
Americans might be getting paranoid.