Linux machines don’t crash unexpectedly, because if they do, it’s your fault for configuring it wrong and you should have expected it.
Linux machines don’t crash unexpectedly, because if they do, it’s your fault for configuring it wrong and you should have expected it.
Wanted to make it a bit more obscure for my friends, and also cropped it.
It’s not fair to assume a member of a population is guilty until they condemn/renounce the problematic members of their population. I remember there being a problem after 9/11 where some people expected individual Muslims to publicly condemn Al Qaeda or else be assumed complicit. If it wasn’t alright there, it’s not alright here.
to irk the “grammer” police on reddit
You done messed up.
to irk the “grammer” police on Reddit
Don’t be so freaked out. It’s only 2 AM in my timezone.
Hehe, that’s funny. So everyone thinks it’s this profound thing, but he was actually just talking about the size of office paper?
Hehe, you could say that reply was done with much… celerity.