This is why you should prefer a better protocol like SimpleX
This is why you should prefer a better protocol like SimpleX
Yeah I’m test it and it’s just annoying for multiple files since you can’t share folders, you can probably send .zip/similar but you need to compress files first.
Have you tried with folders or zip?
I also love Synching but I was searching for something across the internet.
Thanks but I was searching for file sharing on the web.
Isn’t this just to share stuff in your local network between your os and phone?
Phones aren’t in the same local network
Just check news, Paragon case in Italy or other past security scandal.
They are probably americans. These comments trying to justify weapons…XD
Please, stop posting links to articles without create at least a summary here on Lemmy.
Orgzly + Syncthing
I think selfhost is more useful in a multi-user scenario, for my personal needs I also love Syncthing.
What about to upload these creators videos to PeerTube? Maybe just the best ones, like a videoarchive.
FreeTube still works for my Linux system, for most videos.
I have been using freetube with the “local api” setting for a long time without having problems but recently I notice that some videos are not loading.
I’m already a Syncthing fan but I haven’t found an Android app capable to rate tracks editing the tag.
Logseq or Orgzly Revived
Centralized communications are susceptible to government controls, while decentralized systems are more difficult to stop, like Lemmy for example.