So you want to make caramelized onions?
Worst I’ve gotten was grapes in the foil for mini Cadbury eggs. It was quite evil. (Cuz those are my fave)
So you want to make caramelized onions?
Worst I’ve gotten was grapes in the foil for mini Cadbury eggs. It was quite evil. (Cuz those are my fave)
Supposedly this is actually not bad, but also… just no.
Start at 10:40 or so for the hot pepper……
actually just watch the whole thing… it’s fucking funny.
I went with immortal, shape shift, and teleport.
There’s no range to the teleport listed, and I’m just going to assume that shape shift can alter biological function and not just the meaty outer covering… but ultimately it doesn’t really matter that much because immortal.
This would be a great way to explore the universe and a search for life. Maybe settle down somewhere if you find an advanced society that sucks less than humans.
I just got a notice that a place I worked 12 years ago got breached and my info like full name and social was in it.
Cool. Idk why they even kept info that far back…
The absolute irony being that eating things is a major case -for- species conservation, like turkeys, which had a population rebound thanks largely to hunting license funds.
I stepped on a construction nail when I was like 9, went straight into the arch of my foot. I got a rust colored tattoo from it, that I still have.
Agreed on getting it back out sucking most.
If you set up a pihole, most of those in-game banner and popup ads won’t show up on iOS with the default blocklists. You won’t even be able to play ads for rewards anymore without disabling or swapping to a different network. Anything from the prime mobile store will still have ads unless you block the full Amazon domain, but those are the only ones I’ve encountered that are that persistent, and those are easy enough to avoid. Just don’t download anything from Amazon.
As a bonus, the pihole will also block ads across the rest of your network, and you can choose to be really aggressive with what gets blocked if you want, so you don’t need the piecemeal per-device solutions.
If you do opt to set a pihole up, make sure to port forward 53 to the pihole, so android users get the same Adblock perk (android will default to google dns via 53 to serve up ads without that port forward)
If you then set up a home VPN through your router, you can connect back to it when you are out and about and get the same level of ad protection wherever you go.
I have enough popcorn to find out.
It would be fucking priceless if America only got universal healthcare as a result of executing rich people. Very character consistent.
Sad, but I mean we take what we can get and that lesson will be around for a long long time if it works…
I don’t ever change my clocks, I just do mental math because my car clock also tends to drift roughly a minute a month so I’m used to it. Frankly I don’t even set most of them when the power goes out (phone and watch are right either way, bedroom and living room get set after outages)… but when one friend comes over they always set or change all my clocks for me because it drives them crazy…
Appliance clocks can be useful, but I typically don’t use the pre-set or programmed features anyway so meh. I think in 10 years I’ve used the scheduled bake on my oven once, and that’s about as much as I’ve used any of the program features on any appliances…
No you weren’t being unreasonable. They absolutely weren’t trying to help you out of the kindness of their heart, they were trying to seamlessly get your info by just keeping the conversation moving, and not asking if you -want- to sign up, to which yes or no are the only answers. When they ask for your number it’s weird to answer as though they asked a yes or no question, and that’s intentional.
I’ve worked retail, I was trained on canvassing sales (just trained, I quit before I started because it was super shady tactics I wasn’t comfortable with), that tactic is 100% intentional to get the info without you thinking about it. Some places even give bonuses if the employees sign up a certain number of people. Nothing altruistic about any of it.
When you don’t follow their script they get confused… because it’s a script. Not because they think you are mad; they don’t care about you as long as you don’t yell at them. You are just nameless face #545 of the day.
Whenever someone asks for my number or email I smile and tell them “oh, I don’t have an account with you, and I really don’t want one, but thank you all the same.” It’s direct and maybe a bit rude to some people, but they typically apply whatever discount anyway, and if they don’t, meh.
If they ask for zip code or address, I tell them they don’t need it, and with those I will get rude if I get pushback. This includes when I call for product support or something and just have a question. “No, you don’t need to know anything about me to answer my questions, and I won’t be providing it unless I feel you need it, regardless what you think or what your system says.”
It updates in real time with edits and additions, same with comment replies and stuff that come in while you are looking at a thread.
I don’t think most people know about that feature of Lemmy and the mobile clients (honestly dunno about web clients), but when you are chronically online you see things update in real time quite a bit. It’s super cool :)
I’m only really familiar with Золотой Граммофон, because I wanted pop/dance in Russian to practice, but now I feel like I might be missing out.
(I’m a linguist, not a sleeper, I swear!!)
I haven’t really run into ps5 issues, but then physical media is very difficult to find for 5, so I only have 4 games for ps5 vs 50+ for ps4 (I don’t buy digital games, ever).
But I guess I don’t really pay much attention to it either. As long as it works well enough I don’t usually mess with the display settings other than turning gama waaaaaaay up so I can see shit properly… my tv doesn’t support hdr, which I think became standard in 2017, or anything newer than that which newer games are built to use, so I mostly just leave the defaults alone. I definitely notice some games are smoother than others, but that could just as easily be the texture pack or resource utilization as well.
Back when I was playing games on my phone, I’d actually turn down the refresh… sure this game can run at 120, but it can also run at 30 or 60, let’s see what the lowest I can stand is! I don’t do that anymore, but it was good for battery life :)
I used to have a 4k tv I used as a monitor. It was 60hz. When I was tired, my eyes would vibrate back and forth trying to play nice with the frame rate, blurring everything up. Very difficult to read. Huge increase in headaches.
Switched to 120hz tv (all other specs equal) and the problem stopped entirely and hasn’t resurfaced in the 6 years since.
A person may not notice it directly, but it does matter.
I don’t really notice in movies and stuff but those are so damned chaotic anyway that it probably really doesn’t matter as much. (I don’t like live action, it’s difficult af to follow)
I haven’t noticed in games really but i mostly play console where that’s not really something you can usually tweak
I have a 12 gallon pot I use for the same.
If it didn’t have the spout off the front I’d probably use it for a lot more stuff like huge batches of chili (for canning). I end up using multiple pots for that instead because I don’t want to have to clean around the dumb thing.
But the drain tube makes it soooo easy to strain the broth.
I absolutely didn’t acknowledge that it isn’t the intent, I said it may not be.
I absolutely think that is the intent and I find those communities to be gross and have them all blocked.
You are so weirdly defensive about it. Almost like you know a lot of people find it highly questionable and they may have a point. If you think every anime fan is into that crap, you are very sorely mistaken, and if you don’t, you are using inapplicable generalizations to make a point and that’s just deceptive.
I’m with you on this. That may not be the intent, but it sure as hell is the vibe they give off.
Have literally never seen that sub tag used in any way but as an insult, but alright, I’ll take your word for it.
Haha, I totally understand. I don’t trust those guides at all.
I’m a language lover myself (I like learning, but after trying for many years with multiple languages, I’m not super into practice ;) so I learn about how languages work instead!) and if there’s anything I’ve learned about language it is this:
It does not matter how you sound or what you actually say as long as the message you intended to get across actually gets across to whomever you mean to hear it. If people mispronounce, it is usually either regional (and thus correct for them) or something they read and have never heard anyone say. If they use the wrong word but it’s kinda right, they are probably language learners.
This was galvanized for me when I took an art history class as a general education credit in college. I learned that clerestory is pronounced clear-story. I’d only ever read the word before that, and thought it was more in line with modern patterns to be CLE-rest-ory, which is embarrassingly wrong. I’d been reading it that way for years.
Your sister sounds like a language prescriptivist, and they are always wrong, because language simply doesn’t work like that.
2 is Jasmin from Aladdin when Jafar is the sultan and she’s a slave but idk the other one.