4 months agoIt was DUI that resulted in a death, so idk if I’d say that actually makes him crazy.
It was DUI that resulted in a death, so idk if I’d say that actually makes him crazy.
That’s interesting, I really like the fishy taste. If it’s overpowering it can be unpleasant, but in reasonably amounts it’s tasty.
(this is an expensive hobby just FYI)
Yeah custom keyboards get absurdly expensive very quickly.
I actually like it a lot ngl.
From the side it looks like the bastard son of a Frogfoot, the backside looks like they stole the tail rudders from an F-18 and strapped them on something F-14 adjacent.
The front is very A-10, just with the engines in a different orientation.
Yeah, I just did. Works fine.
I didn’t try actually recording, but I can’t imagine it would be different.
Yeah, the only source I can find for something like this is aside from dense academic papers I’m not qualified to read is https://www.swedishmatch.com/Snus-and-health/Research-on-snus/Cancer/
Which is… uh, not exactly a reliably source on the topic since they’re a Swedish company that makes Snus. And they don’t even mention that Sweden has removed the warnings.
That part of the page was added by some anonymous user- it just lists an IP, not a username- on October 9th. So I’m gonna go with not believing this one unless a Swedish person pops up to confirm.