Most toilet bowls are made of porcelain, which is different from plain ceramic.
Most toilet bowls are made of porcelain, which is different from plain ceramic.
I play mostly on my Xbox. I got all my games and stuff downloaded on that.
If I am playing a PC game, it would be SC2, and I don’t use steam. Haven’t since CS source.
I carry around the keyboard always with my tablet because it’s the screen protector when closed. There’s no way I’d carry a separate keyboard and play SC2 on a 7.4 inch screen, that sounds miserable.
It’s probably similar. You could just use your phone and controller. My phone screen 6.8 inches, not the best ratio, but the steamdeck is only 7.4 inches.
Like I’ve been saying, they are basically the same.
Yeah, a laptop can get left out of the equation. Tablet or phone are better.
I don’t need a docking station to hook my tablet to TV. I can even stream my tablet screen wirelessly to TV.
Carrying around the docking station goes against it being portable.
Theoretically, all I need is my tablet or phone. 1 item. The controller helps with some games.
You keep saying 3 items…and because my xbox weighs 10+ pounds.
My tablet weighs 1.6 pounds. Steamdeck is 1.48 pounds. Xbox controller weighs .63 pounds.
You’re talking about half a pound difference in weight. Tablet takes little to no space and the controller probably half of the steamdeck.
Steamdeck would be great for rides on the subway, walking, and maybe some other things where you need to be fully mobile. I get that aspect of it. Though I can easily pull out just my tablet and play a ton of games that aren’t “mobile games”
I’ve been gaming like this for longer than the steamdeck has been out. I saw the steamdeck and said “why would I want that?” And never got one.
The Xbox processes the game.
Tablet just streams screen and sends inputs from/to Xbox.
So you don’t really need an extreme tablet/phone/laptop
Im bringing my tablet/phone anywhere I’m going, so having a steamdeck would just be an extra thing to carry and worry about charging.
You can do on-screen controls that aren’t bad for some games. Otherwise, Xbox controller.
The controller in the steamdeck has to kill its battery life some. 2 extra AA batteries, and I could use my Xbox controller for weeks.
I’d rather have 4x the screen size and not have to hold it the entire time while being semi-mobile. I’m not going to walk around and play on a steamdeck, maybe some do and then that’s a plus on the steamdeck.
Steam deck is nice and I can see why people enjoy it. My thing is why more people don’t like tablet/phone/laptop gaming and talk about the steamdeck like it’s a game changer.
My tablet is basically my PC at home. I can access and do everything remotely, including gaming.
I don’t need to bring my Xbox around. Simply open the xbox app and my Xbox screen is now on my tablet anywhere I’m at.
My tablet can stream onto bigger displays or even stream my PC.
You don’t need to carry around the console
I can use my phone or tablet as a portable screen for my Xbox
Can even use it as a portable screen for my PC
Why would I want a steam deck vs having a bigger tablet screen and a controller I don’t have to stare at?
Portability, but the steamdeck is as portable as my tablet if it can’t fit it into a pocket.
You can take 1% of anything, then multiply as well.
Like 7% of 15.50
1% is .155 (10% is moving decimal to left once, 1% is twice)
.155 × 7 = 1.083
That’s a hard one to do in your head, but .155 × 7 is easier to do on paper than 15.50 × .07.
Say something is 49.99 and 7% off. 1% is .5. .5 ×7 = 3.5. You could probably do that in your head. Otherwise, good luck trying to do 7% of 50 in your head.
Edit: Hmm. So you could also do 3.5% of 100 instead of 7% of 50. That would have been the easiest way to do that one.
Bonus: I thought I’d mention 11s. They are my favorite thing in math because they are so easy and you seem like a math wizard to anyone.
Say you have 42 × 11. That’s 462.
You just split apart the 4 and 2, add 4 and 2, then stick it in the middle.
Something like 67 × 11. Where the digits add >10.
6…7, 6+7=13, 6+1…3…7. So 737.
You can remove the decimal then add it back at the end
Half would be 775
Or 7.75
Jake being bad at acting could have been a shtick
Like “Jake you’re famous now! We need you to do commercials!” Jake “But I can’t act!”
libertery mutual, a company that is referenced in the meme, even does this with a real actor that acts like he can’t act.
Jake from state farm was supposed to be a normal dude. Him not being an actor probably makes his delivery that much better
Replacing Jake with a professional actor seems wrong. It’s no longer “Jake”
Was the picture taken for sexual intent?
Security camera taking a video of a topless 15 year old intent was not produce a pornographic image.
You as the security guard saving the picture of later…your intent is to make it sexual.
Now if you saved the picture because you needed to figure out which store the topless 15 year old was by. Your intent is to not make it sexual so that would be fine.
Why didn’t they make it like a vertical mouse? Having your arm bones twisted the entire time is not good and one of the leading causes of carpel tunnel.
Sleepaway Camp