Sh for shell scripts.
Infrastructure nerd, gamer, and maintainer
Sh for shell scripts.
For anyone as confused as me:
This. Go pick up something like a used Lenovo Tiny. You’ll get way more power and flexibility
Don’t seem to have that option in the app in Canada
Imapsync works well, have uses it hundreds of times on massive accounts. Not with Gmail specifically though. I’d imagine you would lose labels.
Ahhh that makes sense.
I’ve got tons of their socks in a variety of styles and I’ve never had an issue.
Gotta get the Darn Tough socks. No more tossing in the trash, they have a lifetime warranty but they also last forever. After many years I finally just sent like 12 pairs in and got all new ones.
You could just swap the two disks and see if it follows the drive or the link.
If the drive, rma it. I don’t put a lot of faith in smart data.
Usually means a failing drive in my experience.
We don’t have any particular anti VPN rules, nor have I heard any complaints from users about cloudflare blocking them.
Ntfs isn’t going to care or even be aware of the hypervisor FS, zfs or btrfs would both work fine.
Making sure you don’t have misaligned sectors, is pretty much the only major pitfall. Make sure you use paravirt storage and network drivers.
Edit: I just realized you’re asking for the opposite direction, but ultimately the same guidelines apply. It doesn’t matter what filesystems are on what, with the above caveats.
They parked a few vehicles outside the E3 convention center:
So, I worked on this. I built their in game support system (irc backed!), wrote a bunch of the web auth code, and accidentally once deleted the production user database from the secondary site (whew, disabled and re-replicated from primary).
It was a lot of fun and got me a trip to E3 back when it was the big thing.
It was an interesting concept because no matter what, you would play the american side and fight the terrorists. (you would look like a terrorist to the other team)
Yeah that rsync command should be fine. I suspect you somehow copied the wrong thing, or Windows is using a non standard users folder path for some reason.
You’ll probably need to cross your fingers and just look through the disk. Try the tools I mentioned above to search by disk usage, or just do find with some known file names.
Check inside the OneDrive folder.
Could you have copied the wrong disk or something? Did you do the copy in windows, or Linux?
Try using something like ncdu / qdirstat to see if you can find any large folders buried elsewhere on the disk.
Where were the files? An “older snapshot” doesn’t really make sense.
Did you copy hidden folders? Usually c:\Users should have everything you want.
Nuke it and reinstall from scratch. If windows was hardware activated before, you shouldn’t need a key to reactivate it. It’s tied to the hardware ID.
I don’t think any laptop is going to play games without cooking your genitals, it’s just a lot of energy going into the gpu to be cooled.
Maybe check out Alienware? Since they’re dell they’re globally available afaik. Their warranty is pretty good from my experience, just get the on site accidental damage protection.
Dell used to publish full service manuals for their laptops, not sure if they still do. Just googling for the model & service manual should find it.
Valid, but it’s run by a group in the UK that runs several of the popular ones. It’s prooooobably not going anywhere.