“History is written by the victors”.
I see another propagandized ego driven fool who speaks louder and with more venom the less substance he has.
You personally cant draw comparisons between two separate systems? Seems like a limit of imagination.
You shouldnt presume to know better than others, especially when you dont appear to understand anything about the ideology outside of your bias.
I agree that there are differences, but I feel there are more similarities. Especially with anarchocommunist or collectivist theory.
Always cracks me up to see people who champion open source alternatives hate on communism.
Back in like 2006 or 7 steganography was used in obscure corners of the internet ( like insurgen.cc, an early anonymous holdout that got broken up by the feds) to pass around hacking tools. You’d unzip the dangerous kitten photo with winrar and extract a set of hacking tools. One I remember passed around widely was the low orbiting ion cannon the /b used to ddos scientologists.
Your second paragraph may as well be a quote from Anthony bourdain