Oddly enough that commercial is how I discovered that song and I still listen to it to this day.
Oddly enough that commercial is how I discovered that song and I still listen to it to this day.
I did the same thing recently with my elbow. I lifted in my 20s but I got busy with work and family in my 30s and tried to start lifting again at 39 and managed to injure my forearm/elbow. It’s damn near impossible to do upper body exercises when you can’t grip the bar or dumbell without elbow pain!
It’s been like 6 months and it’s finally starting to feel better. My cardio is pretty damn good though because while I couldn’t lift I threw myself at cardio extra hard.
Can’t let the old creep in! Exercise keeps the old out!
I stand up knowing full well that I’m not going anywhere because I’d rather stand in one spot waiting for my turn to get off the plane instead of being crammed in the seat any longer. It’s nice to stretch the legs and back after being stuck in the seat for so long.
I’m not even supposed to be here, hope I don’t jack off!
But not Signal? I use Signal but I’m not sure I can get my chat groups to use something else.
My wife has this as a sticker on her dirt bike which we transport in the back of the van we live in.