Still less tiring than having to deal with a bunch of ads/other bullshit that google pushes.
Still less tiring than having to deal with a bunch of ads/other bullshit that google pushes.
Sounds like you want a trail camera.
Pouring gas over everything and lighting it by tossing a lit cigarette into the puddle. It does not work that way.
To be fair a lot of wells didn’t/don’t have good water either but we were not very good at testing or noticing that kind of thing until people started dropping.
You’re correct, but I just want to point out that it isn’t advisable to drink or cook with water that comes from your hot water tank. Hot water can (and usually will) corrode metal parts from your tank and plumbing and can be contaminated by all sorts of nasty stuff that won’t go away even if you boil the water first.
If you look it up on youtube, you can see for yourself the insane amount of crap that builds up inside a hot water tank over time. https://youtu.be/kAzKts6Wp1Q?si=UMPzHcIoSRdSgJ4g&t=88
In my case it’s because the last several owners of this house were idiots that cheaped out on everything and thought they knew better than the professionals do… my plumbing is a wonderful variety of crap soldered to different crap that I think was partially salvaged from the Titanic or something.
And since I’m renting, I have no ambition to rip anything out and fix it properly unless it breaks.
That’s my kitchen sink. Takes forever to get hot water but the bathroom (Which is further from the tank) takes half the time.
The joys of an old house.
For sure, I use Libredirect on firefox to open all youtube links in freetube. There isn’t anything worth watching on youtube where I have to be signed in to see. Not worth the privacy loss.