On a global scale, population density is about 180 people per square mile of agricultural land.
Cities don’t change that: you need a swuare mile of cultivated land for every 180 people to sustain those urban populations.
We need more, smaller, more dispersed cities. Not these urban hellscapes.
Cropland is not nature. For every 180 people in your city, add a square mile of cropland to its area before trying to determine the spatial efficiency of that city.
There is some truth to that idea, but not nearly as much as you think. You need about a square mile of cultivated cropland for every 180 people, whether your population is spread out in small towns or concentrated in large cities.
There is no reason to cram humanity into the tightest package possible. We are using a square mile of cropland for every 180 people; it makes more sense to spread out, allowing us to get out of each other’s way.
Congestion kills efficiency gains.
Hogs aren’t deer. You don’t hunt invasive hogs one at a time. They are too destructive, too dangerous, and too prolific for that. They aren’t game animals; they are varmint.
There is no closed season, and no bag limit. When you see them, you shoot every one of them you can, as quickly as you can, before they can scatter.
I will do the people reading along the favor of not posting images from an article titled “Penetrating Anorectal Injury Caused by a Wild Boar Attack: A Case Report”.
Suffice it to say, hunters in the marked areas have a distinct need for semi automatic rifles.
But crossbows are obvious.
They are so obvious that even the angry meathead who doesn’t understand the concept of “No” is capable of comprehending the danger of using his muscles against the woman wielding a crossbow: he’s going to take a bolt to the face.
And he’s capable of recognizing when another woman is not wielding a crossbow. And he’s capable of recognizing he faces no danger from that second woman. He’s not going to take a bolt to the face.
When that angry meathead learns that a lot of women are “sneaking” handguns, he doesn’t know whether he is going to take a bullet to the face. He is sufficiently motivated to learn the meaning of “No”.
Just out of curiosity, would you please point out your approximate location on this map of invasive feral swine distribution:
Guns make it possible for anyone to kill anyone. Without them, the capacity to inflict death is far less egalitarian.
Hate them all you want; I trust you with guns far more than I trust some angry meathead who doesn’t understand the concept of “No.”
I used the same approach at the family business for years without any major problems. Go for it.
Yeah, but the DUI also buys you 3 meals a day for 6 months or so.
No. The problem wasn’t the amount of traffic. The problem was the delay from the lights. It was enough to build up long queues on three of the six entry roads. It turns out when you don’t unnecessarily impede drivers, they don’t become “traffic”.
A housing allotment (~100 single family homes) was built about a mile down one of the feeder roads. An elementary school was torn down on another road, but a high school and rec center were built on the old site. The number of vehicles passing through that intersection has only increased.
Maxinum throughput of a round about is much higher than a typical stoplight.
Now, if stoplights typically went to flashing red instead of solid red, so drivers could proceed if traffic was clear, they would approach the efficiency of a roundabout.
Nope. Traffic lights create high traffic areas, by unnecessarily delaying cross traffic.
Near my parents house, there is a 6-way intersection. When I was growing up, it was served by traffic lights, with straight and left-turn lanes in all directions. Traffic was backed up all day long in 3 of the 6 directions, to the point that pretty much everyone waited through at least two turns.
A few years after I left home, they converted it to a two-lane roundabout. Traffic immediately died down. Now, you typically see one to two other vehicles when you pass through the intersection, and you never wait more than a few seconds to get through.
You can set up a simple, dumb thermostat in parallel, to act as a failsafe. Set it 5 degrees below your lowest heat setpoint, and even if your server crashes, it doesn’t let your house freeze.
PC LOAD LETTER? What the fuck does that mean?
I found this: https://bluewallet.io/watch-only/
Since it doesn’t use the wallet’s private address, you should be able to use any public address, and not just an address for your own wallet.
For you, should be at https://feddit.uk/settings . Look for the “Blocks” tab.
You do not want to see me in a skirt.
You definitely don’t want to see me in a crop top.