I disabled the screenshot button combo because I kept taking screenshots locking my phone… Now I just accidentally bring up the emergency menu all the time.
I disabled the screenshot button combo because I kept taking screenshots locking my phone… Now I just accidentally bring up the emergency menu all the time.
There is a db0 at least
Really hard to hover for that alt text though
Wait, you’re meant to be looking down? I was always told my eyes should line up with the top of my screen.
I normally find everything I see is in groups. I see either 1 or 2 anime posts, or 45. Never really anything in the middle.
This happens to me as well, some Bluetooth devices appear to have a higher priority than others. My friends car will always steal my Bluetooth, and I’ve had my headset steal it from a co-worker over his actively in use ear buds.
I have a xiaomi redmi Note 8 pro, and my co-worker has an iPhone of some kind, so i don’t think the problem is the phones but rather the devices.
I finally got hit today, was feeling left out of the fun.