I believe Briar currently is one of the best options out there, together with SimpleX.
However I lack usage experience with both.
Since no one I know makes use of them…
It was already hard enough to convince only a handful of my friends to start using Session and Matrix/Element (which are not the best options anymore), but I’m kinda doubtful about my success rate of making them switch once again…
My success with convincing people to use Telegram has been better though, since that’s the most commonly known, but nearly no one wants to install an app they never heard off before, just to chat with only me :P
Also “convincing people” lately goes smth like this for me:
- Do you have WhatsApp or Messenger so I can send you some pictures?
- No I don’t use apps that do not respect my privacy, but you can send em to me through SimpleX, Briar, Session, Matrix/Element, Telegram, Discord or email :P
- Upon which most choose Telegram or Discord as their means to contact me, sadly no one had Briar/SimpleX yet.
YouTube has been cracking down on alternative frontends.
Vanilla Invidious currently doesn’t work well,
so most hosters paused and/or gave up.
Fijxu runs a fork of Invidious,
with their own modifications implemented to circumvent the blocks,
here’s the source code if you’re interested:
I’ve got big respect for Fijxu,
he’s been doing a very good job of keeping Invidious alive + fighting against the YouTube crackdown lately, basically all on his own.
If you can please consider:
All the above can help Fijxu,
since currently he’s mostly fighting a big tech giant all on his own.