It’s a setting that’s off by default in Voyager.
It’s a setting that’s off by default in Voyager.
In my job as a Product Manager, I make specialized software for internal users in my company. Watching people use it can be so painful.
An example: Look at dashboard view > memorize client name > go to client view > type in client name to search > click to view the client
When they could have just clicked to view the client from the dashboard.
After I finish cringing, I just take it as learnings for how to build/design better in the future.
I had someone send me bullet points in Teams… except they weren’t bullet points or even carriage returns. It was just 50+ spaces at the end of the line to make the text go down to the next line in her view.
She was also a right-click copy/paster.
Ctrl+shift and L/R arrow keys also selects entire words, and up/down selects entire rows. No more taking your hands off the keyboard to select text!
My favorite that I can’t believe not everyone uses is ctrl+backspace to delete a whole word at once. Totally butchered typing something? Start over quickly. Need to delete most of your sentence? Delete it in just a few taps.
Hey, I know the person who made this meme originally! (He got a kick of seeing his work spread around.)
Great examples. The most valuable use for me has been writing SQL queries. SQL is not a part of my job description, but data informs choices I make. I used to have to ask a developer on my team all the questions I had and pull them off their core work to get answers for me, then I had to guess at interpreting the data and inevitably bug them again with all my follow-up questions.
I convinced the manager to get me read access to the databases. I can now do that stuff myself. I had very basic understanding of SQL before, enough to navigate the tables and make some sense of reading queries, but writing queries would have taken HOURS of learning.
As it is, I type in basics about the table structure and ask my questions. It spits out queries, and I run them and tweak as needed. Without AI, I probably would have used my SQL access twice in the past year and been annoyed at how little I was able to get, but as it is I’ve used it dozens of times and been able to make better informed decisions because of it.
I am wondering too, and I’m kind of worried it’s an awful spelling of Zoë?