Just gotta get a prominent “Fuck Elon Musk” bumper sticker and you’re good
Install WSL
Mac should have dd, I’d assume lsblk as well not lsblk though. There’s fdisk though
American magic bean companies like Beanco, The Boston Bean Company, and Nvidia
Sorry, but I cannot abide the Dutch
Unless there’s tritium in it (which is unlikely, half-life is too short)
Alcohol also acts as an NMDA antagonist like ketamine or nitrous oxide, so the feeling is quite different from benzos
Well no shit, state-sanctioned terrorism is always legal according to the state that sanctions the terrorism
Is the listed jacket even real? ‘Prometheus Designs’ Jacket absolutely sounds like a meme.
You know Prometheus was the good guy, despite whatever Zeus says, right?
From what I know of suppressor prices (with legal suppressors requiring literally all of the paperwork and the filing fees to go with it), that suppressor seems like the best deal in the meme
Edit: Well, the second best deal.
I suspect the backpack is the only correct one because it’s so obvious, and then the others are just the meme riffing on it not being a cheap backpack.
If I had money to burn I’d be buying that backpack tbh
Email and GPG is always an option
You take that back
The constant heat and the constant turnover of food/water keep it food-safe
While not exactly a bouncer, I like Quassel
Well I use key-based login for security; obscurity just keeps the network congestion down
Yep, your choices were get good or get got