Postal Secret Service has entered chat
Postal Secret Service has entered chat
If something doesn’t open in VLC, you can usually safely assume the file is corrupt lol
I mean you say that, but I got my last amazing job because I mentioned pertinent info in my cover letter that resonated with the recruiter. I wouldn’t have got it if I just sent my resume.
I know it’s just anecdotal but hey
If having more features in a phone for the same price makes me somehow niche, then I’m happy (and actually proud) to say I’d rather be in the “0.01%”
Apple’s marketing is apparently so effective in the US and Europe that they have successfully managed to convince the majority of people that commonplace features aren’t relevant anymore, when that’s really not the case, it’s just so they can further their exclusivity and planned obsolescence crusade. 📈💰
I’m using Sony’s current flagship and I believe it still has all that, if not more
His memes spreading wide
What you’re telling me you’ve never honkwiched?