I had a domain with them but at the time auto-pay was “auto-pay-from-acct-balance” as opposed to “auto-pay-with-the-credit-card-we-have on-file”
So i missed the renewal date, paid more to renew within grace period, and then transferred to a registrar with actual auto pay.
Otherwise they were great for that first year and i had no issues
Here are some good rule of thumbs for work and schools:
do not connect to their networks with your personal devices, ever.
Only use work/ school devices on their own network.
Do not do anything personal on those networks. only do work/school related tasks. This means don’t log into any non school/work accounts.
If for some reason they don’t have a device for you but require you to use their network, then leave your personal devices at home claiming you don’t own one and make them accommodate you.
You cannot expect privacy in these situations, and by going to the extreme lengths to try to get it then you will ironically just paint a bigger target on your back if any network admin cares. In some cases this can cost you your job or get you in trouble with the school.