It’s amazing that the sound hasn’t changed much to today’s modern horns. Absolutely awesome.
It’s amazing that the sound hasn’t changed much to today’s modern horns. Absolutely awesome.
That was great. I learned about this in a copyright for music class in school but hearing this way really shows you what extent they sampled it.
My FiL made my dining room table. It’s ~600lbs and was $2K in material alone, that didn’t include any labor he didn’t charge us. It’s just about indestructible but it certainly would’ve been $4k-$5k if he was selling it. Would you buy that? I thought not. I certainly wouldn’t have.
We have a customer with the name of Harry Beaver. I shit you not.
This is on point honestly and freaking hilarious. Glad Donner shut them down. Scrooged is a great movie with one great line after the next. Almost rivals Christmas Vacation.
“Oh look Frank, it’s a TOASTER! -WHAM!-“
“Adored!? Let’s be honest, Lew. You paid for the women.”
Which is why they asked and not told.
What I left out is that I don’t know anyone in my family with teeth issues and she definitely does. Her mother had garbage teeth as does her father. But yeah, sugar is bad for you period.
Healthy teeth have a lot to do with genetics too. I’m a once/day brushed (with a powered brush) and never flush unless something’s stuck in my teeth and I don’t get cavities or have other teeth and mouth problems. My wife brushes twice a day, flosses, and uses mouth wash, and has had 12 root canals, and has cavities 25% of the time she gets her cleanings done.
There are two other main differences between us. She loves sugar and I’d prefer anything salty. I’m sure this isn’t helping her and is helping me since sugar is our mouths’ enemy.
Honestly they’re excellent. I ran across A Taste of Honey while listening to the Apple Music Cocktail Party playlist.
Calamity or disaster is a better translation. Looking at God as a judge, it’s His right to render a verdict and enact punishment.
Pretty good article on this verse and what it’s actually saying. https://www.str.org/w/does-isaiah-45-7-teach-that-god-created-evil-
Divx was a video codec and much better than the others at that time. It was super confusing when Circuit City announced their DIVX program.
Yep. All the way down to backstabbed outlets (which should be against code but isn’t, at least in the NEC).