Gonna wait for a couple of years then. Building a fully compatible new web-engine from scratch. It takes time. Do get why you felt the need to advertise the project either way.
Gonna wait for a couple of years then. Building a fully compatible new web-engine from scratch. It takes time. Do get why you felt the need to advertise the project either way.
What do you suggest ? Jpeg-xl ? Avif ?
GrapheneOS also made me give up my heterosexuality /j
If they are talking about changing search engine, this means they feel impacted by the change. The removal of the Free ad-supported tier. Very likely searching for a paid-search engine is necessary; otherwise, they would have just kept using MetaGer.
Indeed. I’m just a big scared of it, And I can’t really help a lot financially or data-seeding wise currently. But yep, Anna does have the LibGen data backed up.
Except that they are struggling for donations, but more important, mirrors and hosters.
What I don’t get, but maybe because of the lack of information I have on the topic
Exactly. That’s also the issue there. It was opt-out by default AND didn’t seemed to give enough info to the end-user about what it does, and why it would be better to keep it enabled. Most people, complain about the forced default decision without any notice, and without any appropriate info to understand if it was a decent change or not. You should only enable it, IF you understand and ablige to what it does.
Well, on my ESTA, they said the social medias disclosure is optional. Just a tool to help you confirm your intents visiting the US (or to be withheld against you as well) https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/faq?lang=en&focusedTopic=Privacy and Security&answerToDisplay=How will CBP use my social media information collected through the additional question that was added to the ESTA application in December 2016%3F
The main goal of GrapheneOS is security. And on that, it does make a difference. In addition, the Google services are sandboxed. On a privacy stand-point, it doesn’t improve much, but so does installing the same proprietary apps on any other devices/operating systems.
Register a new account over that phone number. They can’t get into any previous accounts register with that phone number. They could potentially manage to find the pin if the previous user really used a guessable one, but then again, they won’t be able to check the previous messages and the linked owner of that account will be warned of that new connection.
In fact, it use some of the Clam-AV databases too.