A soup.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I had the exact same issue. My troubleshooting took me to my router. Nat Loopback and hair pinning.

    Your router might have some options relating to NAT loopback or hairpinning. Apparently this can happen if your router recently had an update or if it was restarted abruptly and didn’t boot properly.

    Try restarting your router. It didn’t work for me and my router is too basic for those options so in the end I took down my Nextcloud and remade another container and started from scratch. I had all sorts of things fucked with my instance so it just made sense to toss it out and fix it again.

    Hope it works for you!

  • I’m Jewish and I had the same upbringing. I got an 18/20 on a math test and my parents literally lost their shit. “WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE OTHER 2 POINTS!? YOU WERE LAZY AND SLOPPY AND THIS ATTITUDE WILL HAVE YOU DEAD AT 30, IN JAIL, OR INSTITUTIONALIZED. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT HUH? No hanging out with your friends for 2 months. If you object or make an upset noise, I’ll double the months.”

  • I’d say the ARR suite but I knew beforehand that would need it. I just love that I can access overseerr, search up and coming and already out content, click “request”, and then magically it just shows up on my plex after a couple minutes.

    A service that I host that I never knew I needed is Nextcloud. Works exactly the way OneDrive worked for me. I record footage on my phone, upload it to Nextcloud, and log onto any computer of mine in the house and can edit the footage. Sometimes I edit footage in VR while I play XPlane, then I’ll save it, turn everything off, and continue right where I left off on my laptop.

    Probably super basic but locally syncing things is a godsend to the way I used to do things (KDE connect transfers footage from my phone to a single computer).

  • I have constant dreams behind the dashboard of an Airbus A320neo. It’s been a solid week of the same dream. The autopilot isn’t working so I have to manually do calculations of banking angles and then time it with my flight plan that I have no idea how to type into the flight computer.

    I’m not a pilot at all. Help